Toward a Common Hope. Robert Allan Hill

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Toward a Common Hope - Robert Allan Hill

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in this year of our Lord 2017, we see across the land a shredding of inherited forms of civil society on a weekly basis, a shredding of healthy culture, a shredding of respect for language, rhetoric, and speech—tweet by tweet by blessed tweet.

      But God has not left us nor does God abandon God’s children. God works through human hearts to bind up the nation’s wounds. It is the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and this alone, which will bring peace. The church has nothing better to do, nothing other to do, nothing more important to do, and nothing else to do than to preach. Preaching is everything, the whole nine yards. Let others be anxious and fretful over much service: you are a Christian—sit at Christ’s feet and lisp his Gospel to others. For when the Gospel is rightly preached and rightly heard, heaven invades earth.

      We await a common hope. We await a faith amenable to culture and a culture amenable to faith. We await a fierce combination of a deep personal faith and an active social involvement. We await the will power to do all the good we can, at all the times we can. We await Christ not just against culture, not just in culture, not just above culture, and not just in paradox with culture—but Christ transforming culture!

      We have no choice about common identity, national character, love of country. Listen to Winthrop and Lincoln and King. What we have some limited influence over is the nature, the type, the relative health of such. Notice the Beatitudes, how the blessing fall on groups. Blessed are those . . .

      I believe there is at least one saving story from which, over time, we may gain strength and insight for our common story, poetry and preaching. What Whitman said about poetry is doubly true for the Gospel itself:

      Here is what a godly love of country can do.

      • Where is the Branch Rickey of Wall Street?

      • Where is the Branch Rickey of the local church?

      • Where is the Branch Rickey of the public school?

      • Where is the Branch Rickey of your neighborhood?

      • Where is that secular saint who doesn’t realize it can’t be done?

      • Where is the preacher of the next sermon on the mound?

      • Maybe she is here today. Maybe you are she.

      Don’t let people tell you things can’t change for the better. They can. This country can work. We just need a few more Branch Rickeys and a few sermons on the mound.

      For freedom, Christ has set us free. Stand fast, therefore, and do not be enslaved again.

      Marks of the New Age

       Luke 24:1–12

      1 Corinthians 15:19–26

      Monday, August 7th, 2017

      Opening: Canadian Creed

      Our Gospel provides a particular kind of memory, a powerful kind of prayer, and a persistent kind of love as hallmarks of hope. Do they mark your life? Do memory (remember how he told you . . . and they remembered his words), prayer (they bowed their faces to the ground), and love (they went to the tomb, taking the spices which they had prepared) clothe life for you?

      On Easter morning, women with courage walked tomb-ward to work through their worst experience. They set forth to do the work of facing grief with grace, failure with faith, hurt with hope, and death with dignity. And thee? Is that work begun, continued, or completed? Easter brings you life, uplifts, a lift for living, even into the teeth of death, so you may face, face down, and live down death.

      Death makes us mortal. Facing death makes us human.

      God is at work in the world to make and keep human life human.

      The Gospel means to uplift you, to fill you with a common hope—listen, hear, trust—from death to life. Seek “the Living One,” he who is more alive than all life, whose life is the marrow of being alive. Why do you seek

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