Judges. Abraham Kuruvilla

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Judges - Abraham Kuruvilla

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      Theological Focus of Judges

      Each pericope of Judges contributes a slice or a quantum of theology to the broad theological focus of the entire book. Those pericopal segments of theology are: uncompromising faithfulness to God, maintenance of godly traditional values, and reliance on divine strategies for success results in divine blessing (Pericope 1: Jdg 1:1—2:5 [Prologue I]); personal experience of God produces unwavering commitment to him (Pericope 2: Jdg 2:6—3:11 [Prologue 1; Othniel]); integrity in life, driven by reverence for God and reliance upon him, receives divine approbation (Pericope 3: Jdg 3:12–31 [Ehud]); reverencing of God by fearless faith characterizes godly leadership (Pericope 4: Jdg 4:1–24 [Barak]); participation in the endeavors of God, with God, keeps one in the realm of his blessing (Pericope 5: Jdg 5:1–31 [Song of Deborah]); refusal to take prideful credit for divine action results in blessing (Pericope 6: Jdg 6:1—7:22 [Gideon-1]); godliness is expressed in the rejection of self-glorifying pursuits (Pericope 7: Jdg 7:23—8:32 [Gideon-2]); an illicit thirst for power brings about the fitting retribution of God (Pericope 8: Jdg 8:33—10:5 [Abimelech]); ungodly manipulation of God for selfish purposes can lead to tragic loss of blessing (Pericope 9: Jdg 10:6—12:15 [Jephthah]); rejection of Yahweh’s interests in favor of selfish passions leads only to trouble (Pericope 10: Jdg 13:1—14:20 [Samson-1]); disdaining of one’s divine calling can lead to destruction (Pericope 11: Jdg 15:1—16:31 [Samson-2]); godless leadership brings about godlessness in society (Pericope 12: Jdg 17:1—18:31 [Epilogue I]); immoral unconcern for the weak and defenseless marks a godless and leaderless community (Pericope 13: Jdg 19:1–30 [Epilogue II-1]); continued ungodliness only leads to more evildoing, greater havoc, and a hopeless future (Pericope 14: Jdg 20:1—21:25 [Epilogue II-2]).

      A summative theological focus of the entire book of Judges may be discerned as follows:

      Maintenance of godly traditional values, personal experience of God (Prologues), and manifesting virtues of godly leadership (Body)—integrity in life (Ehud), fearless faith (Barak), participation in the endeavors of God (Song of Deborah), giving God credit for his work (Gideon-1), rejection of self-glorifying pursuits (Gideon-2) and the thirst for power (Abimelech), avoiding manipulation of God (Jephthah), maintaining devotion to God and his interests (Samson-1), faithfully cleaving to one’s call (Samson-2)—result in a godly society and provide hope for the future (Epilogues).

      And as God’s leaders and God’s people actualize these thrusts in their lives, conforming to Christlikeness pericope by pericope and sermon by sermon by the power of the Spirit, the Father’s kingdom is, in a sense, being established. This is the goal of preaching, and of preaching the book of Judges in particular. A grand task, indeed!

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