One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1. John Williamson Nevin

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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1 - John Williamson Nevin Mercersburg Theology Study Series

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use of “new measures” (Gossard, “John Winebrenner”).


      In coming before the public with a Second edition of the Anxious Bench, it seems proper to introduce it with a short preface.

      The publication, as was to be expected, has produced considerable excitement. At least half a dozen of replies to it, shorter or longer, have been announced in different quarters, proceeding from no less than five different religious denominations. Various assaults, in addition to this, have been made upon it from the pulpit; to say nothing of the innumerable reproaches it has been required to suffer in a more private way.

      All this, however, calls for no very special notice in return. I am sorry to say that of all the published replies to the tract, which have come under my observation, not one is entitled to any respect, as an honest and intelligent argument on the other side. In no case has the question at issue been fairly accepted and candidly met. I do not feel myself required at all, then, to enter into a formal vindication of the tract, as assailed in those publications. I consider it to be in itself a full and triumphant answer to all they contain against it, in the way of objection or reproach. If permitted to speak for itself, by being seriously and attentively read, it may safely be left to plead its own cause. In such circumstances it would be idle to enter into a controversial review of the manifold misrepresentations to which it has been subjected. The only proper reply to them is a republication of the tract itself.

      With the reproaches that have been showered upon me personally, in different quarters, I have not allowed myself to be much disturbed. I had looked for it all beforehand; knowing well the spirit of the system with which I was called to deal. I knew of course that I should be calumniated as an enemy to revivals, and as an opposer of vital godliness. But I felt satisfied at the same time that the calumny would, in due season, correct itself, and recoil with disgrace on the heads of those from whom it might proceed. It has begun to do so already, and will continue to do so, no doubt, more and more.

      Nor would any special protestation in favor of revivals be of much account to guard the tract from being perversely used by those who are in fact opposed to this precious interest. The only true and proper provision against such abuse must be found, if it exists at all, in the general spirit of the tract itself. Let this be right, and it must be considered enough. It may be perverted still; but men can pervert the Bible, too, if they please.

      Fears have been expressed that in the present position of the German Churches particularly, the publication may operate disastrously upon the interests of vital godliness. But in my own view there is no good reason for any such fears. I believe its operation has been salutary already, and trust it will be found more salutary still in time to come. It has engaged attention extensively to the subject of which it treats, and is likely to go farther than anything that has appeared before, in correcting the confusion and mystification in which it has been so unhappily involved, in certain parts of the country, to the great prejudice of religion. It may be hoped now that the subject of New Measures will be so examined and understood, that all shall come to make a proper distinction between the system of the Anxious Bench and the power of evangelical godliness, working in its true forms. In the case of the German Churches, this would be a result of the very highest consequence. If the present tract may open the way for its accomplishment, its mission will be one in which all the friends of true religion in these Churches will have occasion to rejoice.

      But instead of lending their help to secure this most desirable object, the friends of the Anxious Bench seem concerned to maintain as long as possible the very mystification that stands in its way. They tell us we must not speak against New Measures, because this term is made to include, in some parts of the country, revivals and other kindred interests; and then, when we propose to correct this gross mistake by proper instruction, they set themselves with all their might to counteract the attempt, and insist that the people shall be suffered to confound these different forms of religion as before. Those who act thus are themselves enemies in fact to the cause of revivals. From no other quarter has it been made to suffer so seriously. Its greatest misfortune is that it should lie at the mercy of such hands.

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