One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1. John Williamson Nevin

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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1 - John Williamson Nevin Mercersburg Theology Study Series

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quotes, although he adds “females”; the editor has added the first two sets of single quotes].

      What a coincidence of judgment, among the critics of the tract, at this point! And what shall we say of the relevancy and honesty of the criticism itself, in view of the passage thus censured, as it actually stands, and taken in its plain sense? This is a fair specimen, however, of a large part of all that has been argued against the tract in these publications. [For a further argument that the “Awakenings” introduced an “emotional appeal” into the conversion experience, see Layman, general introduction to Born of Water and the Spirit, 8–10.]

      Chapter III.

      Nature of Quackery.—To rely on forms or measures shows inward weakness.—“New Measures” a substitute for true strength.—Where they are in honor, ample space is found for novices and quacks.

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