One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2. John Williamson Nevin

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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2 - John Williamson Nevin Mercersburg Theology Study Series

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      document 2

“The Christian Ministry” (1854)

      Editor’s Introduction

      The issues of pastoral function, pastoral authority, and private judgment have been debated since the Protestant Reformation. The debate became especially intense in American during the years following the American Revolution. At stake was the necessity of the pastoral office. The egalitarian principles of republicanism and the success of itinerant preachers encouraged the populace to reject the age-old distinction that set clergy apart as a separate order. Most rejected the notion that the office of the pastoral ministry was a necessary medium in the order of salvation. They denied that the properly installed pastor possessed unique authority as an officeholder to study, interpret, and proclaim the truths of the Bible. They believed, instead, that this authority was common to all Christians; each had the right of private judgment, a right which minimized the need for pastors.

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