1 Corinthians. B. J. Oropeza

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1 Corinthians - B. J. Oropeza New Covenant Commentary Series

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in 1:17, when compared with 2:1–5 that also generally combines σοφία (“wisdom”) with λόγος (“speech”), provides us with a strong clue that Paul is referring primarily to speeches associated with sophist rhetoricians. Though at times wisdom distinguishes philosophers from sophists (Plato, Gorgias; Plutarch, De laude 12 [543E–F]), it was also understood in relation to those possessing practical expertise, cleverness, and rhetorical skill.110 Wisdom found special relevance in the rhetorical traditions of Greeks and Romans.111 Eloquence and wisdom were in fact closely aligned as the rhetorical handbooks confirm; the former, for example, Cicero perceives as “nothing else but wisdom delivering copious utterance” (Part. or. 23.XXIII.79).112 Paul speaks against a type of rhetoric similar to the sophists, which the Corinthians seem to hold in high esteem. Such speaking for Paul should never become the ground for disrupting fellowship, and it must not be permitted to eclipse the message of the cross that saves, transforms, and empowers lives.

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