Luke. Diane G. Chen

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Luke - Diane G. Chen New Covenant Commentary Series

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      The angel departs, leaving the shepherds to decide what to do with what they have just seen and heard (2:15). Like Mary, they proceed with haste to follow the sign (2:12, 16; cf. 1:36, 39). When they find Mary, Joseph, and the infant, they relate everything that has been told to them, which Mary treasures and ponders in her heart (2:17, 19–20). The three-stepped pattern of hearing, seeing, and repeating the message becomes the means of bearing witness to the good news, from the shepherds to Mary and Joseph, and to others who are present.

      Hearing or reading the story of Jesus’ birth, Theophilus and his community would probably notice subtle similarities with common inscriptions or writings concerning Augustus. For example, below is an inscription concerning Augustus’s birthday (italics mine):

      Worldwide salvation, benefaction, and peace are attributed to Augustus, a suprahuman-like emperor sent by Providence as a gift to humankind. Is Luke’s description of Jesus’ birth intentionally polemical against the laudatory praise of Augustus? How will Jesus, Israel’s Savior-Messiah-Lord, compare with Rome’s Savior-God? Will Jesus’ kingdom be set on a collision course with Caesar’s empire? Luke’s readers are invited to contemplate such possibilities by holding in tension the welcome of Israel’s Savior on the one hand, and his rejection on the other.

      Dedication of Jesus at the Temple (2:21–40)

      A male child would normally be named before his circumcision on the eighth day, but Luke reports the two as a single event both with John and with Jesus (1:59; 2:21). “[The child] was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb” (2:21). God the Father, not Jesus’ earthly parents, names his Son “Jesus,” as implied by the passive voice of the verb. The name, meaning “YHWH saves,” is exactly what Jesus will come to embody and actualize.

      A woman remains ceremonially unclean for seven days after giving birth to a boy (Lev 12:2). On the eighth day the infant is circumcised (Gen 17:12; Lev 12:3). His mother’s state of purification continues for thirty-three days, during which she may neither enter the temple nor come in contact with holy things. At the end of her purification period, she offers a lamb for a burnt offering and a pigeon or turtledove for a sin offering. For the poor, another turtledove or pigeons may take the place of the lamb (Lev 5:11; 12:1–8). In general, Luke’s account reflects closely the stipulations of the law except for two minor details (2:22–24). Only Mary, the mother, is in need of purification, but Luke speaks of “their purification,” perhaps because both she and Joseph are present. Also, the couple brings Jesus to the temple on the eighth day for his circumcision, but the sacrifice is supposed to be made weeks later upon the completion of Mary’s days of purification. It is not clear if the deviation from Leviticus stems from the author’s storytelling or changes to traditional practices in the first century. But one thing is clear: Jesus’ parents are law-abiding Jews even though they have modest means.

      Every Israelite firstborn, whether human or animal, is consecrated to God (Exod 13:2; Neh 10:35–36). The notion of redeeming the firstborn is not in view here, as nothing is said of Jesus’ parents paying the priest any redemption price (Num 18:15–16). Rather, the presentation of Jesus at the temple parallels Hannah’s dedication of Samuel to the service of the Lord when she brought him to Eli the priest (1 Sam 1:24–28). While Jesus is not offered for lifelong priestly service, God has already laid claim on his life. Luke’s reference to the law, “Every firstborn male shall be designated as holy to the Lord” (2:23), recalls Gabriel’s words to Mary, “the child to be born will be holy” (1:35), for indeed Jesus is conceived by the Holy Spirit and set apart for God’s service.

      The vocabulary and themes in the next three verses are drawn heavily from Isaiah 40–66. Looking at the baby Jesus, Simeon declares, “My eyes have seen your salvation” (2:30; cf. Isa 51:5–8; 52:10; 56:1). Jesus is not merely the bringer or agent of God’s salvation; he is God’s salvation personified. He will embody God’s saving actions in his person—in life and in death, in word and in action.

      Even as faithful Jews are waiting for Israel’s Messiah, ultimately

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