Psalms of Christ. Daniel H. Fletcher

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Psalms of Christ - Daniel H. Fletcher

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[Paul] was not suggesting that a part of Timothy’s childhood instruction involved the New Testament. The aim of the content of the sacred writings is to relate God’s saving purpose in Christ. Timothy’s study of the Scriptures had grounded him in that wisdom and enlightenment that leads to faith in Jesus Christ. The Scriptures lead to salvation but only as they point to Christ. The Scriptures themselves do not provide salvation, but they do point to the Savior who can provide it. The phrase “through faith in Jesus Christ” shows how the Scriptures make individuals wise. They enlighten them to the necessity for faith in Jesus Christ.1

      Given the traditional reasoning, none of these texts or myriad of others carries any christological import simply because the NT is silent about them. This reduces the Christian approach to the OT to a catalog of messianic proof texts at the expense of the rest of the OT. As Dan McCartney confirms:

      I am convicted, therefore, that the NT writers have given us examples of how to read the OT christologically, and they expect us to apply their post-resurrection hermeneutical perspective in our own reading of the OT, and not restrict ourselves to their examples as the only “approved” ones. In short, they have given the church an inspired interpretive trajectory for understanding the OT rightly (i.e., christologically). To use a common—albeit imperfect—analogy, they have taught us how to fish, not given us a fish. As for the NT writers being authoritative interpreters of OT Scripture, I agree that they are foundational for the church as bearers of unique divine authority, commission, and revelation; yet, is this not even more reason to adopt their overall interpretive approach to the OT? It is precisely because of their inspired authority that our interpretations should be rooted in their use of the OT. In short, when we implement their interpretive strategy today, we are not relaying the foundations of scriptural interpretation, but are moving about freely in the house God has built for us in Christ.

      I believe we have in the NT a “go and do likewise” scenario where Jesus and the NT writers give the interpretive map for christological readings of the OT, even “non-messianic” passages. Yes, they give methods of exegesis too, but these are subservient to the larger goal of interpreting the OT christologically. Put differently, there is nothing inherently “Christian” about grammatical-historical exegesis, typology, intertextuality, allegory, or predictive prophecy; these are all evident in the OT itself. But what is distinctly Christian is the hermeneutical

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