Love, God. Deborah J. Simmons-Roslak

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Love, God - Deborah J. Simmons-Roslak

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      Take a Moment to Listen:

      There is but one identity precious child, which cannot be found in actions of fear or actions to gain yet more accumulations. You are the Love from which you were born in Truth. It matters not the form of how Love manifests its being in the world, for the function of Love is to extend and embrace without regard to form.

      The Truth of your identity is the Truth of Love itself. All actions from this Truth become the manifestations of the function of Love.

      There is no greater or lesser among you. You are one another as you are your Self. You are the joy of the Love that first created who you are in Truth.

      Guided Meditation

      We are often attached to our way of accomplishing those things we consider necessary—even prayer. Our identities become tied to what we have accomplished, or accumulated. What would it be like to identify instead with openness and freedom? How would it feel to know that God is leading us?

      Go to your favorite place and relax. Take a couple of deep breaths. Ask God to be with you. Think about some of the ways in which you identify yourself. What are some attachments you may have—even attachments to forms of prayer. Can you only allow prayer to be a certain way? Do you judge other’s prayers?

      Now what if you let yourself feel more open or unattached? What other ways could you pray? How might God be leading you in a relationship with Him that you hadn’t expected or considered? Could there be limitless possibilities for a connection to God?

      How would you like to deepen your relationship with God? Tell Him. Then let Him tell you about His love for you and how He may be guiding you.

      Your Thoughts/Experience:

      “In the final analysis, the questions of why bad things happen to good people transmutes itself into some very different questions, no longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, what we intend to do now that it happened.”

      Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

      If what is considered ‘bad’ happens to those who are considered ‘bad’, society applauds. If what is considered ‘bad’ happens to those who are considered ‘good’ society expects the back to be straightened, while the bootstraps are pulled up. In either case, victimhood is held, by the good with the bad, or the bad with the good. Someone or something becomes a ‘rightful’ victim, albeit without recourse, without explanation, without hope. Holding as a truth an identity of victimhood is septic, infecting all willing to believe victimhood as both identity and purpose.

      In truth, bad and good people and events are constructs of a society that colludes to separate and isolate. I am myself, but you are ‘the other’. We are us, but . . . and so it seems to go. Framing a personal identity around victimhood, strangles individuals and societies, the belief in which chokes the ability to see beyond labels.

      “Yet you, Lord are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. “

      Isaiah 64.8

      Take a Moment to Listen:

      Neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’, you simply are the extension of Love in all glory. During situations and experiences of discontent or pain, know that the intent to remain focused on that birthright allows a particular clarity of vision. Clarity of vision strengthens intent and resolve while encouraging your identity as a child of Love. Choices that you make result in a consequence of that choice, even as sometimes there seems to be no choice, just a block in the road going forward.

      No punishment or pain could be meted forth by a loving creator who sees and holds only a child molded of Ultimate love, peace, and joy. There could be no loving God who is also a master of punishment and prizes. Trust that all experiences in life give an opportunity for growth in the core of who you are and as Love holds you to be.

      All of Heaven stands by you, in you and with you.

      Guided Meditation

      Unexpected situations or negative circumstances can invite us to feel victimized by life. We might even look toward negative outcomes as our answer to confusion or general malaise. We get upset and feel like life is totally out of control. How do we respond when life’s situations present us with challenges?

      Sit in a quiet place and take a deep breath. Ask God to be with you. When have you felt like a victim? What was that like? It’s natural to feel helpless when that happens. Sometimes we may think it’s a punishment from God.

      What would it be like to know that negative situations are not a punishment from God? How would it feel to know that God wants to help you? What if He were helping to guide you, rather than hurt you?

      Tell God how you feel. Take your time. He wants you to open your heart and mind to him. Now can you listen for His response? Can you hear Him tell you He loves you and that He wants to help you? How does that feel? Do you have space to see problems in a different way? How might God be guiding you?

      Your Thoughts/Experience:

      “The only true liberty is in the service of that which is beyond all limits, beyond all definitions, beyond all human appreciation: that which is All, and which therefore is no limited or individual thing: The All is no-thing, for if it were to be a single thing separated from all other things, it would not be All.”

      Thomas Merton

      Capturing wind in a mason jar and labeling it ‘wind’ cannot make it all of wind, just as capturing ‘light’ in a mason jar and labeling it as such cannot make it all of light, for both wind and light cannot be both individual phenomena yet in totality as it has been taken from the totality of their respective experience. Both wind and light exist in a totality, which then expresses its identity.

      While wind and light are by far poor examples for that which is All, the examples underscore several of our human needs: to isolate, to label, and to identify. That which is All cannot be contained in an isolated mason jar and labeled by any name therefore; It cannot be definitively identified as this or that, belonging to them or those alone.

      Though the All (or All there is) has been given various and sundry names and attributes across time, those names and attributes are a mere series of mason jars in which human beings attempt to isolate, label, identify and claim as theirs alone. Wars have been fought and continue to be fought over the ownership of these mason jars, which we suppose contain the right name and attributes for a god that we then claim to be our own. But this would be a god by mere human design alone and not of Truth. Nevertheless, the All remains, in expansive totality touching the edges of our willing consciousness. Let us put away our mason jars, our fear and our justifications and reach to touch that, which is in Truth, total Love and acceptance.

      “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

      Numbers 23:19

      Take a Moment to Listen:

      It matters not which name you call upon, for each name will draw comfort, healing and unity to you. Open your willingness and your heart to that which flows through each and every person equally, as It flows through all of blessed creation.

      Guided Meditation

      We often want God to help us, but

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