New England Dogmatics. Maltby Geltson

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New England Dogmatics - Maltby Geltson

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vicariously substituting himself for particular individuals, as in the case of penal substitution. Christ thus satisfies the legal demands of the moral law for everyone, not as a means of releasing them from their individual and particular debts to divine retribution. Rather, Christ dies to satisfy the unmet demands of the moral law, which in turn restores dignity or honor to God—the lawmaker.

      That is, God is the supreme authority over all creation, including his morally responsible creatures. God’s government is his power, according to which his infinite wisdom and unfathomable divine will are exercised over his creatures to direct them to their various appointed ends. God’s moral government describes his specific interaction with rational creatures. President Edwards himself had a robust doctrine of God’s moral government, commenting,

      This brings us to our second thesis:

      By including references to President Edwards amongst these number theses we are intentionally trying to draw attention to the fact that are indeed doctrinal continuities regarding the moral government of God that are rightly labelled “Edwardsian.” Given this, the following thesis is a fairly critical distinction that Edwards’ successor made with some frequency is arguably the principal point of theological departure of the Edwardsians from their mentor.

      3) God’s moral government is revoked by sin, which, strictly speaking, is an offence against the moral law, not God.

      This brings us to our fourth thesis:

      This too is quite an important point of distinction. For where penal substitution demands that the offender suffer a penalty, rectoral justice has clear penal implications and Christ must suffer these implications in order to restore the honor that is due God’s moral law; the difference here being that Christ suffers this penal as an example, not as a substitute for any individual. And this leads us to our final thesis:


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