Simply Victorious for Life. Jennifer Workman

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Simply Victorious for Life - Jennifer Workman

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he has given me to glorify his name and tell as many people as possible about him!

      So, my question to you today, do you have a relationship with the father? If not, God’s arm is extended and open, ready and willing to receive you home! There is nothing that you have done that can stop him from loving you, being concerned about you and your eternal destination. People will tell you to “live your life out loud,” and don’t be fixated on changing anything, you are fine just the way you are!” My response to that is if we are okay, then there would be no need for God to have sent his son to die on the cross for “perfect people.” The Bibles emphatically tells us that “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believeth in him would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, NKJV).” We are sinners in need of a savior and thankfully God sent his son Jesus to atone for our sins!

      When we came into the world we came in as sinners. In Genesis after the fall of Adam and Eve, we were predisposed to sin and the world as we know it was never the same after that! But, “just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous (Romans 5:19, NIV).” “There is no need to make excuses anymore and “play rush and roulette with your life.” God is soon to return and he’s is coming for a prepared people. Will you let him into your hearts today? I know the devil is telling you that it isn’t necessary “but it is!” Hell and heaven is for real and both have been specifically designed for the just and unjust, for those that have given their lives to the Lord and for those who have rejected him.

      If you are like me and you want to be able to hear him say well done, here are a few things that I pray that you will do to surrender your life to Christ:

      • First admit that you are sinner and ask the Lord to come into your life, transform you and give you are heart like his. The word of God clearly states that if “you that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9, NKJV).”

      • Relinquish your own ways and habits, turn from them and turn to God! “Repent of your sins for the Kingdom of Heaven is near (Matthew 3:2, NLT).”

      • Draw closer to God every day through study, meditation and daily application of his word in your life (I Timothy 2:15, KJV, Joshua 1:8, NLT).

      • “Pray fervently and without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17, NASB) (James 5:16, KJB).

      • Daily and consistent spiritual walk with the father through obedience, faithful service and a surrendered life to him, otherwise, we are only “hearers and not doers of the word” (James 1:22, KJV) (John 14:15, KJB) (I Samuel 15:22, NIV) and (Luke 6:46, NIV).

      And, remember, just as it took you a while to “dig yourself into the destructive aspects of sin and entangle yourself in the ideas, philosophies and ideologies in this world,” so is it going to take that same amount of effort if not more to remain in the alignment and will of the father. A spiritual walk with God “isn’t a fly by night thing.” It takes having a “made up mind” and being totally surrendered to God and his direction for your life. It is not works based but it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to live according to God’s design for our lives and it is the Holy Spirit that keeps us from day to day! So, my prayer is that someone that have ready this article today will make up their minds to seek after the Lord with all their hearts and surrender all to him because when he returns “my desire is to hear him say “well done,” and I hope that will be yours too!”

      For You to Ponder: Jesus is coming soon, will you be ready? If there is any doubt in your mind about your eternal destination or you don’t have a relationship with God, he is waiting for you. Pray to the Lord and ask him into your life today, don’t wait for tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. If you do have a relationship with God, take time to share your faith it others i.e. co-workers, friends and family that don’t know God they need him in their lives as well!

      Anxiety a Weight too Heavy to Carry

      “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me (Psalm 42:5, NKJV).”

      Does that sound familiar? If you’ve answered yes to this question, then you are definitely not alone because that has been the heartfelt cry of many people. A cry for help and relieve amidst the constant weights and pressures of life. Life is very difficult. We as human beings are inundated with various stressors on a daily basis from unexpected family issues, to unending financial strains, to marital issues, etc.

      The pressures of trying to live up to a false picture of what the world views as “perfect” and one that is able to be “all things to all people” is a daunting feat indeed! We are in a constant state of arousal and it is “no wonder” why we deal with such a high level of anxiety. The body wasn’t created to be under a continual “adrenaline high.” You do a lot of “undoable” damage to your body because it isn’t equipped to “function effectively when it remains in a perpetual state of tension and arousal (“Christian Counseling-A Comprehensive Guide” By Gary Collins- Pg. 78).” One of the manifestations of being under a constant state of arousal is Depression. The Bible tells us that “anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression (Proverbs 12:25, NKJV).” Also, there are many other mental, physical and emotional affects that anxiety causes on our overall well-being from heart disease, to panic attacks, to aches and pains, to headaches, to anger and “the list goes on and on.”

      According to the Bible, there is nothing wrong with honestly facing and trying to deal with our problems of life. But it is wrong and unhealthy to be immobilized by excessive worry (Christian Counseling-A Comprehensive Guide by Gary Collins, pg. 79).” Having this in mind, we really need the help of the Lord to effectively and adequately deal with anxiety. As David states, “Search me, O God, know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties (Psalm 139:23).” Whatever plagues us and is at the center of an “anxious heart,” needs to be brought to God in prayer, and it is through prayer, that we connect with God and receive help from God to be able to successfully maneuver the complexities of life.

      God is the source of all comfort and is “present” to ease our anxious hearts (Psalm 46:1, NKJV) and (Psalm 94:19, NKJV). “He cares about us and he doesn’t want us to carry loads that are impossible for us to carry but release those burdens on his strong and capable shoulders (I Peter 5:7) and (Hebrews 12:1, NKJV).” For God promises to always be with us through our trials and tribulations (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV).” Thank God for his unwavering and indescribable love towards all of mankind!

      An unwavering love so strong that he sent his only begotten son Jesus to atone for the sins of all people (John 3:16, NKJV). “Having exemplified that, do you think that God would leave you in the predicament you’re in, to crumble under all the negativity and problems of life?” My answer to you is “no!” God loves you unconditionally and if we as people are able to receive his love without limitations, then, we know unequivocally that we can turn over all our cares and concerns of life to him because he is our Father and our “refuge” (Psalm 46:1). “When you can’t count on no one or nothing else you can count on God!”

      I implore you today to relinquish whatever control you may have over your situation and place it in the powerful hands of God almighty. We spear ourselves from sickness, death and unnecessary pain, when we recognize “who can really handle our problems” and it definitely isn’t us but God! I know that this isn’t something that some of you can do instantaneously but honestly, “is anything else working? The Bible tells us emphatically for us to cast all our cares upon Him for he cares for us (I Peter 5:7).” Try God because in the long run, what you have to loose other than “weight” that you were not meant to carry!”

      For You to Ponder: Relinquish your desire to feel

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