Long after Lauds. Jeanine Hathaway

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Long after Lauds - Jeanine Hathaway

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cheeks sag on

      jaws now jowly,

      hold their own classed by weight

      as gold, we know, is. Atomic

      Number 79. Pronounce aloud

      its symbol, Au. Awww.

      On another table, fill with awe

      your bowl, the late fruit a little

      soft on the surface. A windfall.


      $5.99 per rock in this bin

      The odds are 80/20. Not every one’s a winner. Each the size

      of your father’s closed hand. History opens like a cave,

      a mind, more rock. Your geo-tool is close. You’ve chosen

      not to open the rock. You already know past the crust

      what you’ve seen in field guides, memoirs, museums. It’s there

      you believe, caught you believe in every closed hand, wave

      or particle, the light just for you undisclosed.


      Of course that’s how silence reveals itself.

      I want to hear it but there’s the beep

      of a forklift in reverse; there’s the ringing

      in my ears. A bug crashes against my

      daughter’s high frequency curls.

      Refrigerated food breaks down despite the cold

      and there’s the deafening deconstruction

      of this make-do bookmark, this postcard written

      by my mother days before she died. In church

      the interpreter wears solid colors, a curtain

      behind her hands’ deft evocation of God

      whose beguiling privacy unsettles

      the heart, the “lub” addressing its twin,

      the other side of the river

      where women wash work clothes, the shift-change

      siren of sweat released into larger bodies

      of water, where a sister’s hand will slap

      the surface, introduce rhythm by skipping a beat.


      Let a fast place, with one door, enclose thee.

      —Rule of St. Columba

      Atop a wave, a narrow door floats—blue

      against the lake’s own blue. It seems a test: what

      pitches toward shore meaning more than nothing,

      or less? The ex-nun’s here on fall retreat,

      to learn among her chaste and faithful friends

      what God and she might ask for at this point.

      The blue door bobs to flash a bit of brass,

      a glinting hinge or knob or fish. A swell

      rehangs the door. The lock’s still on.

      The lower panel’s blown, perhaps kicked in,

      or thrown by weather up against a rock,

      flipped over time itself the open frame.


      Late, the swimmer flips from the board into the diving well

      as the Country Kissin’ radio blares: This is the moment

      you’ve been waiting for. Not knowing she was supposed

      to wait, she kicks, sounds, clicks like a beluga.

      Never at home on the surface, she wriggles,

      rubs her cap-knobbed head on the drain grate

      12 feet down. Goggle-eyed, she stretches

      the length of her white body extending back

      epochs when the breathless elders’ stubby legs stumped up

      onto their arctic beach; when lolling in air, blowholes

      sandy, the whole pod flipped and sang till—oh!—the life

      guard blows the whistle. Out of time. She has to return

      to the radio, leaping across stations, picking up sound waves,

      grace notes, off; a fluke then, the unexpected depths of silence,

      another moment she hadn’t known she was waiting for.


      Wit-struck, the mind takes a stride off the side of its boat,

      the Tempus Fugit. Don’t look down, says the divemaster.

      Watch the horizon. Eight hours into this twelve-hour drive,

      It’s all horizon, geological forms that undulate, thrust,

      and flatten as they did when this was a nameless stretch

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