Imago Dei: Man/Woman Created in the Image of God. George Hobson

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Imago Dei: Man/Woman Created in the Image of God - George Hobson

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implies that, on a macroscopic scale where quantum effects are usually not noticeable, nature seems to conform to deterministic laws.1

      Epistemological uncertainty reflects the ontological uncertainty that is built into the universe. John Polkinghorne maintains that chance, in the quantum sphere as well as in the sphere of evolution, is evidence not of disorder but of freedom—the freedom given by the Creator to the natural order to create itself, developing as a process within the framework of the Creator’s overall purpose. Chaos theory can be instanced as another theory pointing in this direction. This theory, as I understand it, refers to immensely sensitive physical systems which are unpredictable in behavior because they cannot be insulated from even the tiniest events in the environment, and by “environment” one doesn’t mean just the immediate planetary or even galactic locality but the entire universe.

      Where does all this order come from? How can we best explain the regularities and patterns within nature, which we call laws, and which, to a real extent, we can discover and elucidate by mathematics? How is it that even what we call chance occurrences at the quantum level are not manifestations of chaotic randomness but are events within a larger, apparently ordered framework? It would seem that there are only two explanations on offer today: the first is the existence of multiple parallel universes, perhaps infinite in number, of which ours, by chance, happened to turn out this way; the second is that an all-powerful creative mind—God—created the universe in just this way. The first possibility, without any basis in observation or experiment, seems, to many scientists, believers in God or not, to be a completely unscientific flight on mathematical wings into metaphysical fantasy in order to escape the second possibility—the one that points to God—which provides a far simpler and indeed much more probable metaphysical explanation of the order we find in the universe.

      The biblical texts in the Old and New Testaments that I alluded to earlier, which speak of the Creator God and his creation, provide a plausible underpinning for the second hypothesis. The Triune God, who imagines, speaks, and breathes out the cosmos, is an inconceivably powerful, personal, rational mind, and the cosmos he created by his Word, the Logos, is therefore orderly and rational; man, because he is created in the image of this personal, rational God—of this Logos—and because he is given moreover the mandate to exercise dominion over the creation and is therefore designed to be able to know it, possesses in consequence the rational capacity, through mathematics, to do, among other things, what we call science, that is, to fruitfully investigate God’s handiwork that we call nature and to discover its inner workings and laws.

      The convergence of so many apparent coincidences among the primordial variables, all of them a priori independent of each other, demands an explanation other than chance. The presence of such precision had nothing to do with natural selection, obviously. The laws of nature that underlie the possibility of biological evolution were in place from the beginning of the universe, long before the mechanisms of biological evolution came into play; and it is becoming clear that they are still operative in the processes of biological development, though exactly how has yet to be discerned. But in themselves these basic laws, whose very existence to begin with remains an unfathomable mystery, cannot explain the emergence of life and the increasing information needed for the development of that life.

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