Reality. Wynand De Beer

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Reality - Wynand De Beer

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to consider if there is, or was, such an entity as an Indo-European race.6 As remarked by Jean Haudry, “For more than a century, linguists have never tired of repeating that ‘Indo-European’ implies simply a linguistic, and not a racial homogeneity.” However, despite this long-standing prejudice it is legitimate to speak of an Indo-European physical type, as is confirmed by the evidence from two sources: (a) anthropological study of human skeletal remains, and (b) ancient texts and representations. Concerning the former category, skeletal remains found in the Kurgan sites display a predominance of tall, long-headed types with a straight aquiline nose, and a narrow face with much finer features than that of the massive Cro-Magnon skulls found in the Dnieper basin.7

      Haudry also submits the following examples of texts and representations:

      i. The Roman historian Tacitus (writing around A.D. 98) described the Germans as ‘a separate nation, pure of all admixture’; they had ‘wild blue eyes, bright blond hair, [and] large bodies’ (Germania, 4); however, as Haudry notes, this depiction has been somewhat modified by modern anthropology;

      ii. In Vedic India, we find the blond (Sanskrit, hari) god Indra granting the Aryan warriors victory over their dark-skinned adversaries, the dasa; here whiteness of skin reflects the whiteness of the day-sky, while black is the color of the night-sky and of Hell;

      iii. The Hellenic poets, from Homer to Euripides, depict heroes who are blond and tall, while all statuary from Minoan to Hellenistic times represents gods and goddesses with golden hair and of tall stature; this physical type was idealized because it was that of the upper classes of the population, as is confirmed by the portraits of Hellenic nobles;

      Religion and Spiritual Philosophy

      Socio-political Organization

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