Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake

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Visions of the Lamb of God - Andrew Scott Brake

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vision of Ezekiel, the omniscience and majesty of Jesus in all his glory. Also see Daniel 10:6. This glory is Jesus’ glory as the Son of God. In Thyatira, both Apollo and the emperor, to whom local trade gilds were dedicated, were believed to be sons of Zeus. But the church in Thyatira must give heed to the real Son of God. Jewish literature of the time often combined the identity of the Son of God from Psalm 2 with the Son of Man individual in Daniel 7.112 The Son of Man who received power and authority from the Ancient of Days is the eternal Son of God who holds the iron scepter in his hand.

      Jesus commended the church in Thyatira for their deeds. Unlike Ephesus, the deeds of Thyatira got better. Their latest deeds were better than the first. They understood Jesus more. They gave more. They loved more. They served more. Jesus saw the growth. He saw the improvement when others did not. Growth is always the most imperceptible by the ones who are growing. Children rarely see that they are growing unless family members who haven’t seen them for a while say, “My, how you have grown!” Believers, especially new believers, may not perceive their growth in the Lord. But Jesus sees it.

      It is nice to be noticed by Jesus when we are living our lives in love, faith, service, and patient endurance, similar to the church in Thessalonica. I experienced many times when I was playing baseball as a young person, when I came up to bat at the plate, connected on a solid, run-scoring double, only to look to the stands, deflated that no member of my family was there to see it happen. Well, Jesus is always “in the stands” to see when we hit a double for his kingdom. He always sees. Hebrews 12:1–2 reminds us, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses (those who have gone before us), let us throw off the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.” Why? Because his eyes of blazing fire are fixed on us.

      The church tolerated this false prophet rather than take active steps to remove her from the congregation. There was a church in my district when I was a pastor in Ohio where the music leader of the church for fifteen years was carrying on an extra marital affair while still leading worship. No pastor did anything about it until a new pastor came to the church. The new pastor, when he found out, lovingly yet firmly removed him from ministry in the church. This infuriated the worship pastor and he left, taking some with him. Was the church better off? They had less members, and a music program with less quality, but Jesus saw them and was pleased with what He saw.

      Jesus is Lord and King of his church. He will not have these kinds of behaviors muddying up the clothing of his bride and splashing dirt on her wedding gown. Can you imagine, as the groom, standing up at the altar waiting for your bride to come down the aisle? And while she approached the front, people in the pews stood up and threw waste on her, mud from the sewers, spit, and caked cow manure on her freshly made-up hair? Would you allow that? Of course not! You would go to the middle of the aisle and cast those offenders onto the streets. They had no place at the wedding. Jesus is protective of his bride. And anyone who chooses to muddy the bride will be cast out, because Jesus has the authority to do so.

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