A Guide Book of United States Coins 2021. R.S. Yeoman

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A Guide Book of United States Coins 2021 - R.S. Yeoman The Official Red Book

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      Jeff Shevlin

      Roger Siboni

      James Simek

      Scott Sparks

      David M. Sundman

      Anthony Terranova

      Troy Thoreson

      Frank Van Valen

      Kevin Vinton

      Fred Weinberg

      Douglas Winter

      Mark S. Yaffe

      Special credit is due to the following for service and data in this book: Charles Davis, David Fanning, Robert W. Julian, George F. Kolbe, Christopher McDowell, P. Scott Rubin, and William Spencer.

      Special credit is due to the following for service in past editions: Lee J. Bellisario, Stewart Blay, Roger W. Burdette, Frank J. Colletti, Tom DeLorey, Bill Fivaz, Chuck Furjanic, James C. Gray, Charles Hoskins, Richard Kelly, David W. Lange, G.J. Lawson, Andy Lustig, J.P. Martin, Eric P. Newman, Ken Potter, Paul Rynearson, Mary Sauvain, Richard J. Schwary, Robert W. Shippee, Craig Smith, Barry Sunshine, Jerry Treglia, Mark R. Vitunic, Holland Wallace, Weimar White, John Whitney, Raymond Williams, and John Wright.

      Special photo credits are due to the following: Al Adams, David Akers, James Bevill, Heritage Auctions (ha.com), Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Ron Karp, Massachusetts Historical Society, Christopher McDowell, Tom Mulvaney, Ken Potter, John Scanlon, Roger Siboni, the Smithsonian Institution, Stack’s Bowers Galleries, Richard Stinchcomb, and the United States Mint.


      Coin values shown in this book are retail prices figured from data from the listed contributors approximately two months prior to publication. The coin market is so active in some categories that values can easily change during that period. Values are shown as a guide and are not intended to serve as a price list for any dealer’s stock. A dash appearing in a price column indicates that coins in that grade exist even though there are no current sales or auction records for them. The dash does not necessarily mean that such coins are exceedingly rare. Italicized prices indicate unsettled or speculative values. A number of listings of rare coins lack prices or dashes in certain grades, indicating that they are not available or not believed to exist in those grades.

      Prices rise when (1) the economic trend is inflationary and speculators turn to tangible assets as a hedge, or when the number of collectors increases, while coin supplies remain stationary or decrease through attrition or melting; (2) dealers replace their stocks of coins only from collectors or other dealers, who expect a profit over what they originally paid; (3) speculators attempt to influence the market through selective buying; or (4) bullion (gold and silver) prices rise.

      Prices decline when (1) changes in collecting habits or economic conditions alter demand for certain coins; (2) speculators sell in large quantities; (3) hoards or large holdings are suddenly released and cannot be quickly absorbed by the normal market; or (4) bullion (gold and silver) prices decline.

      Those who edit, contribute to, and publish this book advocate the collecting of coins for pleasure and educational benefits. A secondary consideration is that of investment, the profits from which are usually realized over the long term based on careful purchases.

      The Handbook of United States Coins (commonly called the Blue Book), by R.S. Yeoman, Whitman Publishing, contains average prices dealers will pay for these coins, and is obtainable through most coin dealers, hobby shops, bookstores, and the Internet.


Abbreviation Meaning
Arr Arrows
Cl Close
CN Copper-Nickel
Dbl Doubled
Dbln Doubloon
Drap Drapery
Dt Date
FR Flat Rim
HE Heraldic Eagle
Horiz Horizontal
HR High Relief
Inv Inverted
Knbd Knobbed
LE Lettered Edge
Lg Large
Lib Liberty
Ltrs Letters
Med Medium
Mmk Mintmark
Nml Normal
Obv Obverse
Pf Proof
Rev Reverse
SE Small Eagle
Sm Small
Sq Square
T Type
V, Var Variety
WR Wire Rim

      A slash between words or letters represents an overdate or overmintmark: “3/2” is an abbreviation of “3 Over 2,” “D/S” is “D Over S,” etc.

       Photographs in This Book

      Collectors should be aware that unofficial copies of certain American issues were

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