Graphic Anaesthesia. Tim Hooper

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Graphic Anaesthesia - Tim Hooper

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Alveolar partial pressure of oxygen and blood flow 1.3.3 Bohr equation 1.3.4 Carbon dioxide dissociation curve and Haldane effect 1.3.5 Closing capacity 1.3.6 Dead space and Fowler’s method 1.3.7 Diffusion 1.3.8 Dynamic compression of airways 1.3.9 Fick principle and blood flow 1.3.10 Forced expiration curves 1.3.11 Functional residual capacity of the lungs 1.3.12 Lung and chest wall compliance 1.3.13 Lung pressure–volume loop 1.3.14 Lung volumes and capacities 1.3.15 Oxygen cascade 1.3.16 Oxygen dissociation curve and Bohr effect 1.3.17 Pulmonary vascular resistance 1.3.18 Pulmonary vascular resistance and lung volumes 1.3.19 Respiratory flow–volume loops 1.3.20 Shunt 1.3.21 Ventilation–perfusion ratio 1.3.22 Ventilatory response to carbon dioxide 1.3.23 Ventilatory response to oxygen 1.3.24 West lung zones 1.3.25 Work of breathing 1.4 Neurology 1.4.1 Action potential 1.4.2 Cerebral blood flow and blood pressure 1.4.3 Cerebral blood flow variation with ventilation 1.4.4 Cerebrospinal fluid 1.4.5 Gate control theory of pain 1.4.6 Glasgow Coma Scale 1.4.7 Intracranial pressure–volume relationship 1.4.8 Intracranial pressure waveform 1.4.9 Neuron 1.4.10 Neurotransmitters – action 1.4.11 Neurotransmitters – classification 1.4.12 Reflex arc 1.4.13 Synaptic transmission 1.4.14 Types of nerve

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