Mind-Body Health and Healing. Andrew Goliszek

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Mind-Body Health and Healing - Andrew  Goliszek

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CHAPTER NINE Relaxation Exercises and Techniques

       Relax, You Are in Good Hands

       Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

       Autogenic Training (AT)

       Autogenic Instructions

       Self-Hypnosis As a Relaxation Technique


       Sensate Focus Approach

       CHAPTER TEN Spirituality, Alternative Medicine, and Health

       That’s the Spirit

       Faith and the Mind-Body Connection

       The Power of Prayer

       Using Prayer for Health and Self-Healing

       Complementary and Alternative Medicine

       Alternative Health Therapies



       Ayurvedic Medicine

       Binaural Beats

       Color and Light Therapy




       Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

       Music Therapy


       Orthomolecular Medicine

       Tai Chi

       Therapeutic Humor

       Therapeutic Touch


       CHAPTER ELEVEN The Mind-Body Connection in Children and Adolescents

       The Stress of Growing Up

       Warning Signs and Symptoms

       Effects of Toxic Stress on Brain Development

       The Teenage Brain and the Mind-Body Connection

       Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

       Child and Adolescent Depression

       Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

       Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

       Stress Management for Young Children

       Praise and Self-Esteem

       Coping with School

       Coping with Grief and Death

       Talking About War and Terrorism

       Dealing with Anger

       Stress Management with Preteens

       Stress Management for Adolescents

       Signs and Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior

       APPENDIX A Time Management and Stress

       Time Management Skills Test

       Time Wasters That Create Stress

       Tips for Students

       Time Management Plan of Action

       Effective Time Management Strategies

       APPENDIX B Health Assessment Quiz

       APPENDIX C Family Stress Assessment Quiz

       APPENDIX D Health Screening Checklist



      A book like this is not possible without the input and expertise of researchers and healthcare professionals who spend their lives helping us learn more about the connection between the mind and body. I would like to thank my former colleagues at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and particularly Dr. Joan Robinson and Dr. William Sonntag, who mentored me during my early years and helped guide me in my research.

      As researchers continually discover more about the amazing extent to which the brain has power over the body and may even control healing, we continually marvel at what has become known as the mind-body connection. The premise of this book is that by using a variety of simple techniques and tools we can harness and direct that power for optimum physical, emotional, and behavioral health. These include diet, exercise, attitude adjustment, and, perhaps most importantly, stress reduction.

      Mind-body specialists posit that the mind and body are essentially inseparable—that the brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, all of our organs and all of our emotional responses, are in constant communication with one another through a common chemical language. Indeed, many of our most deeply felt emotions may be considered by some simply as chemical reactions that take place in the brain and manifest in the body as the states we recognize as love or hate.

      Mental states can be fully conscious or unconscious. We can have emotional reactions to situations without being aware of why we are reacting (think “triggers,” or “having one’s ‘buttons’ pushed”). Each mental state has a physiology associated with it—a positive or negative effect felt in the physical body. And so, many mind-body therapies focus on becoming more conscious of mental states and using this increased awareness to guide our mental states in a better, less destructive direction.

      Scientific studies show that severe prolonged stress and chronic negative thinking can compromise

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