Engage the Group, Engage the Brain. Kay Colbert

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Engage the Group, Engage the Brain - Kay Colbert

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you have a bank account?

      Do you have money in the bank?

      Do you have a car?

      Do you have a driver’s license?

      Do you know your social security number?

      Do you know where your social security card is?

      Do you belong to a church?

      Do you have a copy of your birth certificate?

      Do you have a sponsor?

      Do you have a sponsor who you have talked to in the last week?

      Do you have a home group?

      Do you have friends who don’t use?

      Have you been in recovery for thirty days?

      Have you been in recovery for ten days?

      Have you been in recovery for five days?

      Do you think you might have anger management problems?

      Do you know how to smile?

      Do you believe in yourself?

      Are you honest with yourself?

      Are you loyal to yourself?

      Do you have spirituality?

      Do you have a role model?

      Do you know where you want to be next month?

      Can you picture yourself successful?

      Are you worried about something?

      Do you have dental problems?

      Do you have clothes suitable for a job interview?

      Have you written a good-bye letter to your addiction?

      Have you done a good deed today?

      Is your room clean?

      Have you learned something about yourself today?

      Have you completed your first step?

      Have you created a relapse prevention plan?

      Do you know your triggers?

      Can you control your cravings?

      Have you ever faced your cravings and successfully overcome them without using?

      Have you written a letter to a friend or loved one within the last year?

      Can you look in the mirror and feel good about what you see?

      Have you taken a shower within the last twenty-four hours?

      Do you smoke cigarettes?

      Do you borrow or steal cigarettes to keep up the habit?

      Have you told someone you love them within the last thirty days?

      Have you done treatment work that wasn’t required?

      Have you cleaned up after someone else?

      Have you done a chore without complaint?

      Have you smelled a flower this week?

      Have you done a morning meditation?

      Have you given someone a compliment?

      Have you had a good dream that you remember?

      Have you been late to group?

      Do you wake up in the morning feeling happy?

      Do you cross talk in groups?

      Do you look forward to tomorrow?

      Have you set a good example for someone else this week?

      Have you ever had a bad hair day?

      Do you know how to have a good relationship with another person?

      Is someone you care about in a gang?

      Have you ever been in a gang?

      Do you think you are over or under weight?

      Have people told you that you are over or under weight?

      Do you care about someone who has HIV or AIDS?

      Did someone insult you and it hurt you?

      Have you given someone a compliment?

      Have you said “thank you” this week?

      Walk a Mile in My Shoes

      Location: Indoors (need tables or workspace)

      Time: 90 minutes

      Materials: Secondhand shoes of varioius styles (one shoe per person)

      Paint (water-based or acrylic)

      Large sheets of paper or cardboard (at least 12″ × 18″) or foamboard (one per person)

      Glue or glue sticks


      Collage materials, sequins, jewel shapes, glitter, feathers

      Optional: Speakers to play the song “Walk a Mile in My Shoes,” originally performed by Joe South and The Believers, or similar songs


       • To encourage participants to tell their life story.

       • To encourage unconditional self-acceptance.


       1. Before the session, collect an assortment of used shoes—a variety of heels, flats, and athletic shoes based on the gender make-up of the group. They do not have to match or be wearable. Shoes can be purchased cheaply at garage sales, or secondhand stores might donate unusable pairs.

       2. Have participants select one base to use as a display board and one shoe.

       3. On the top of the paper, direct participants to write, If you walk in my shoes . . . followed by what others might not know about their lives or what others might not immediately see about their lives. Encourage participants to write about positive things as well as losses or struggles.

       4. Instruct participants to paint or decorate their shoe and attach it with glue to the display board.

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