Engage the Group, Engage the Brain. Kay Colbert

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Engage the Group, Engage the Brain - Kay Colbert

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Day, turkeys for Thanksgiving, and pumpkins for Halloween.

       5. Once clients have completed their books, suggest they write about their moments of gratitude on the pages. If they wish, they can pass their books around for other people to write something positive or encouraging about them.

       6. Encourage participants to share their finished products.


      Everyone was enthusiastic about this simple activity. Often the activity took place on holiday weekends when regular programming was flexible. Participants were often reflective about missing their families and loved ones, and sometimes the longing for family prompted the impulse to consider leaving treatment early. This activity provided a useful and productive redirection that was engaging and affirming and enhanced twelve-step work.

      Inspired by: Staff at the center where we worked always noted increases in depression, anxiety, and restlessness around holidays, and this activity was developed to address the issue.

This heart-shaped gratitude...

      This heart-shaped gratitude book that was passed around for encouraging comments from peers. One inscription reads, “For My Best friend!! I love you forever!!!” Another says, “You are so beautiful and so is your spirit!”

      Human Bingo

      Location: Indoors or Outdoors

      Time: 15–20 minutes depending on number of participants

      Materials: Human Bingo Handout (one per person)

      Pen or pencil (one per person)

      Small prizes for each win (candies, pens, stickers, or writing paper)


       • To promote healthy social skills and listening skills.

       • To display the variety of talents and strengths of individuals.


       1. Make copies of the Bingo cards. You may modify questions as needed.

       2. Pass out the writing materials and the Bingo cards. A Bingo may depend on the size of the particular group. With a large number of people, you may ask that all squares be signed. Or, you may decide that any number of rows (diagonal, horizontal, vertical) may provide a win. Read the instructions aloud:

       Find someone who has ever done or can do the thing described in each square.

       Have this person sign the square.

       Bingo wins!

       Now go talk to each other!


      This activity was done outside on a nice day and was an enjoyable warm-up. It was repeated at another type of rehabilitation center with equally positive results.

      Inspired by: Icebreaker activities done in social work graduate school at the University of Texas at Arlington and the popularity of Bingo games in the treatment center.

       Human Bingo HANDOUT

       Find someone who has done these things and have him or her sign the square.

      I Am: A Poem About Myself

      Location: Indoors or Outdoors

      Time: 60 minutes

      Materials: Writing paper

      I Am Handout (one per person)

      Optional: Decorative materials


       • To increase a sense of self-awareness in the present moment.


       1. In a quiet setting, encourage participants to use the opportunity to self-reflect and compose comments about themselves that are both truthful and positive. For those who are having a good day, it is reflected in the ideas. For those who struggle, it takes some extra effort but can bring out a feeling of hope and purpose.

       2. Pass out a sheet of paper and the I Am Handout as a poem template for each line, which can be adapted by participants.

       3. Encourage volunteers to share their poems.


      This activity was done twice in groups of twelve to sixteen. Most read their poems to the group, who had touching and heartfelt responses. All participants kept their poems and expressed pride in their work.

      Inspired by: A website for educators produced by the Educational Technology Training Center. They have numerous templates to help write “instant poetry” created by Alysa Cummings, Certified Poetry Therapist.

      Sample poem that demonstrates personal creativity with the format.

       I Am HANDOUT

       Use these sentence stems to write a poem about yourself.

      Sample poem that follows the provided format.

      I am a Mother myself.

      I woke up this morning missing my Mom.

      I found myself remembering things she did for me.

      I saw that I had forgotten that she died a long time ago.

      I thought about keeping her alive within me.

      That reminds me of how important it is to be the Mom I want to be.

      I am a Mother myself.

      I believe my children are a gift from God.


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