Life on the Rocks. Peg O'Connor

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Life on the Rocks - Peg O'Connor

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temptations. On the one hand, a temptation is a temptation is a temptation. All temptations are on par with one another. On the other hand, though, each of us has multiple temptations, some of which are much stronger than others. Is anything tempting potentially addictive? All temptations are not created equal. Some substances are manufactured to be irresistible temptations (potato chips, anyone?).

      The formula “inability to resist temptation = addiction” reduces a complex set of phenomena to one characteristic: the failure of an individual to exert the right amount of self-control in the right direction. But how do we determine the “right” amount and the “right” direction? Consider people with cross-addictions. A person who is trying to quit drinking may decide not to quit smoking at the same time. Co-occurring mental health concerns complicate the picture even further.

      A final concern is that conjoining willpower and addiction produces a companion formula, which would state that “ability to resist temptation = recovery.” For some people, abstinence may be a necessary condition for recovery, but by itself it isn’t sufficient. Willpower is primarily a negative force; it is about saying no to things. People who are governed by willpower become masters of denying themselves, such that it becomes the dominant way to treat everything that comes their way.

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