Olonkho. P. A. Oyunsky

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Olonkho - P. A. Oyunsky

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be the eyes to see

      And support the thirty-five tribes of

      The Middle World,

      Where people are born and die,

      Where generations come and go;

      The light-footed and smart girl

      Sepjigirei Magan63

      Became his maid.

      They were settled

      In the impenetrable woods,

      Deep in the belly of the earth

      Out of the hollow stump,

      Like the horn of a dry cow,

      Smoke rose, twisting.

      They were settled

      On the northern side

      Of the fiery ocean,

      Swirling and bottomless,

      Covered with icy sludge of

      The flowing red sand,

      With the infuriating wind,

      With the bellowing snow,

      With the rising sun,

      With the trees falling down.

      In the Middle World they were settled

      To glorify the people

      Of the thirty-five tribes

      Of a warm and playful disposition,

      Who are front-faced, two-legged,

      Whose heads can swivel,

      Whose joints are flexible.

      The eldest son of Ulutuyar Uluu Toyon

      The old man Aan Ukhan,

      The forefather

      Of the kin of Uogan,

      Became the spirit of fire in their hearths.

      He was named Khatan Temerieh,

      His breath was a blue flame,

      He had a steel-grey horse,

      His character was straight as an arrow,

      His beard and hair were frizzled,

      His walking stick was thick,

      His steel was as big as a haystack

      Covered with snow,

      His flint was as large as a bull calf.

      They say, Jedeh Bakhsila,

      The spirit of the dwelling,

      And Nadjy Niankha,

      The dirty and stinking

      Spirit of the cattle-shed,

      Were settled together with them.

      Since that time

      In the inhabited Middle World

      Sakha man who was striving

      For good luck and happiness

      Built his yurt,64

      Lit a fire in his hearth.

      Then, he welcomed them,

      Praising their good names,

      Treating them with kumis,

      And bowed his head to them.

      The old man Ediget Botur,

      Whose black face

      Was red-tinged,

      Whose body

      Was strong and stout,

      Whose beard

      Was like green algae,

      With a birch-bark bucket

      On his back for fish,

      With a landing net in his hand,

      Dwelt on salty soil.

      His yard was covered with ice,

      He was settled

      In the inhabited Middle World

      To increase the numerous stocks of fish,

      With yellow scales, sharp fins,

      Never running out

      Like the current

      Of a powerful river.

      Kuragachy Surik, Kuralai Bergen,

      Baai Barilakh,

      Extremely generous,

      Nicknamed Baai Bayanai,65

      Was settled in the inhabited Middle World

      To breed birds and animals

      In countless numbers.

      Since that time,

      A front-faced man,

      A man on two unsteady legs,

      Bowing low to him,

      Kneeling in front of him, said:

      ‘My great man!

      I am begging to drive

      Those who swim in the water,

      Those who have sharp teeth,

      Straight into my trap,

      Let them appear in front of me,

      Let me shoot them.’

      Mother Khotun Ekhsit Ejen66

      Was settled there

      To become the spirit of the dwelling,

      To protect the posterity of those


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