Olonkho. P. A. Oyunsky

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Olonkho - P. A. Oyunsky

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like a deep ravine

      In the Under World.

      He stuck out his tongue,

      Looking like

      A seven-and-a-half-bylas-long

      Wet lizard,92

      And licked his mighty neck…

      He muttered indistinctly

      As if worried about something,

      He smiled disgustingly,

      He grinned repulsively,

      He began to resound so much

      So that the earth trembled,

      The snowstorm swirled,

      The sky shook,

      The dense forest echoed…


       Under the swirling edge Of the northern dangerous sky The maw of the abyss gaped…



      Alatigar emine-tuomui!

      Sakha Saaryn Toyon,

      The forefather

      Of the Aiyy-Khan kin,

      With the reins on their backs;

      Sabyia Baai Khotun,

      The foremother

      Of the Kun-Erken tribes,

      The front-faced, two-legged,

      With the reins on their necks;

      Your daughter,

      Fair-faced Tuyarima Kuo

      With the chestnut ambler,

      Whose brother is Kun Jiribineh

      With the grey horse –

      She was destined for me

      When she was three,

      She was intended for me

      When she was six,

      My little one, my sweet,

      Thinking I would kiss

      Her round, fair face,

      Thinking I would enjoy and caress

      Her wonderful body

      That precious part

      That glimmers through her pants,

      Imagining that she grew impatient

      Waiting for me,

      Thinking she was dizzy

      With excitement

      At the thought of my arrival,

      From far, far away,

      At last I have come…

      Thinking the son of the Upper World,

      The good man Kytygyras Baranchai

      The Swiftfoot93

      Would snatch her and steal her,

      I have come earlier

      So as not to get exhausted

      While chasing him.

      Have I come too late?!

      If so, how awful!

      I hope I have forestalled

      The son of Oroi-Buhrai,


      A great man,


      With a harness

      Of four rolling thunderbolts

      And eight striking lightning whips,

      So as not to let him

      Abduct her –

      Or has he done so already?!

      What a tragedy that would be!

      I tried to hurry

      So I would hopefully forestall

      The son of Ulutuyar Uluu Toyon

      And haughty Khotun Kokhtuya,

      Unruly Uot Uhumu, Tong Duhrai95

      With the huge fire-breathing dragon

      For a horse,

      Notorious for his rows,

      Famous for his violence

      In the southern swirling sky,

      So as not to let him

      Grab her and vanish,

      So that I would not tread

      On snow and slush.

      Or has he already escaped with her?!

      What terrible sadness that would be!

      You, my brother, the best demon

      Ehekh Kharbir, Three Shadows,

      Timir Jigistei,

      Born in the age of enmity,

      Settled in the bottom

      Of deadly Eluu Cherkechekh,

      Do not let a white bird

      Fly over my head.

      You, my elder brother

      Alyp Khara Aat Mogoidon,96

      The father of terrible Ap-Salbaniki,

      Do not let a grey mouse

      Slip under my feet.

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