Decor and the Single Girl. Karrine Steffans

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Decor and the Single Girl - Karrine  Steffans

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Zillow, or your local MLS listings. Many rental and real estate sites also have mobile apps so, be sure to search your app store for useful apps to assist in your life changing home search.

       Before you go galavanting around the city looking for the perfect place to live, use the internet to your advantage. If looking for a place to rent or buy, try websites like Trulia, Zillow, or your local MLS listings. Many rental and real estate sites also have mobile apps so, be sure to search your app store for useful apps to assist in your life changing home search.

       If you love where you live and have no intentions of moving but think there are a few things that can stand to be changed, be proactive in getting those nuisances removed. If it’s something you can do yourself, do it! If it’s something out of your capacity, contact the proper authorities and make it happen. You should feel good about where you live and when you feel good, you summon great things (and men) into your life.

      If you’ve already found the perfect neighborhood and home that fits your needs and tastes, you’re already ahead of the game! All you have to do, now, is prepare your place for the blessings you will call into your life and, for all intents and purposes, we’re going to focus on one particular blessing—a man!

       If he seems annoyed by the children playing in the street, makes fun of the corny couple next door in the matching, reflective workout gear, or complains about how far he had to drive to get to you, dump him. He already hates your neighborhood and won’t want to spend any quality time there, though, he may not have an issue with a few sleepovers.

      If he seems annoyed by the children playing in the street, makes fun of the corny couple next door in the matching, reflective workout gear, or complains about how far he had to drive to get to you, dump him. He already hates your neighborhood and won’t want to spend any quality time there, though, he may not have an issue with a few sleepovers.

Everyone’s abilities are different. Always live within your means but live the best quality of life within the perimeters. When you meet the man you want, he should be meeting you at your best!

      Everyone’s abilities are different. Always live within your means but live the best quality of life within the perimeters. When you meet the man you want, he should be meeting you at your best!

      The majority of you reading this are most likely, settled into a home with no intensions of leaving any time soon. But, many of you may be contemplating a move or some sort of drastic change to jump start your life, overall, including your love life and luck with men. It’s no secret that you are what you eat and birds of a feather flock together—you’ve been hearing these mantras all your life. As for me, I have always heard this one—learn to love where you live; it’s a little something my mother used to say when I was a kid. I didn’t understand it then but I get it now. As it pertains to you, where you decide to live your life and the love you have for that decision, shows a man you won’t just settle for anything. You are discerning and are willing to work a little harder for a better quality of life. Men love ambition!

      The majority of you reading this are most likely, settled into a home with no intensions of leaving any time soon. But, many of you may be contemplating a move or some sort of drastic change to jump start your life, overall, including your love life and luck with men. It’s no secret that you are what you eat and birds of a feather flock together—you’ve been hearing these mantras all your life. As for me, I have always heard this one—learn to love where you live; it’s a little something my mother used to say when I was a kid. I didn’t understand it then but I get it now. As it pertains to you, where you decide to live your life and the love you have for that decision, shows a man you won’t just settle for anything. You are discerning and are willing to work a little harder for a better quality of life. Men love ambition!

Some communities are built around apartment dwellings, with each building very different from the next. Take your time and choose the one perfect for you.

      Some communities are built around apartment dwellings, with each building very different from the next. Take your time and choose the one perfect for you.

When your date drives through a neighborhood lined with homes that are clean and well-maintained, it will give him a pretty good idea of what to expect when he reaches your place.

      When your date drives through a neighborhood lined with homes that are clean and well-maintained, it will give him a pretty good idea of what to expect when he reaches your place.

You don’t have to live in a single family dwelling to impress visitors. Apartment and condominium buildings with attractive design and well-kept grounds are just as impressive (if not more) and are less responsibility for you!

      You don’t have to live in a single family dwelling to impress visitors. Apartment and condominium buildings with attractive design and well-kept grounds are just as impressive (if not more) and are less responsibility for you!

It’s difficult to show your individuality in a track home, master planned community with a Home Owner’s Association dictating what you can and cannot modify on and around the exterior of your home. However, there is a sense of peace and order when driving through such a community. Your date will feel and respect this as he enters your neighborhood.

      It’s difficult to show your individuality in a track home, master planned community with a Home Owner’s Association dictating what you can and cannot modify on and around the exterior of your home. However, there is a sense of peace and order when driving through such a community. Your date will feel and respect this as he enters your neighborhood.

Every neighborhood and its structures are vastly different. Closely knitted homes tend to have closely knitted neighbors. Your date will feel a sense of community when he drives through and, maybe, a sense of belonging.

      Every neighborhood and its structures are vastly different. Closely knitted homes tend to have closely knitted neighbors. Your date will feel a sense of community when he drives through and, maybe, a sense of belonging.

Consider what your neighborhood looks like at night. A well-lit street casts a safe, warming glow over its homes and makes it easier for your man to find you. Plus, lighting adds additional safety and ambiance during those moonlit strolls you plan on having.

      Consider what your neighborhood looks like at night. A well-lit street casts a safe, warming glow over its homes and makes it easier for your man to find you. Plus, lighting adds additional safety and ambiance during those moonlit strolls you plan on having.

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