I'm Out to Change My World. Ann Kiemel

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I'm Out to Change My World - Ann Kiemel

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laughs with me

      and cries with me


      “i’m an agnostic, ma’am.”

      “wow! an AGNOSTIC?

      a real AGNOSTIC?

      uhm, tell me sir,

      do you have any problems?”

      “yeah, i’ve got a lot of them.”

      “tell me one.”

      he squatted down beside my window

      and looked in as he said,

      “i’m so insignificant.”

      his face was sober

      and his voice was so bitter

      as he said,

      “i’m so insignificant.”

      “sir, me too.

      i’m just an ordinary girl

      but Jesus adds a lot to my life.”

      and i began sharing Christ with the attendant

      ‘til the gas started spilling out over the car

      and he ran

      and grabbed the pump

      and washed off the car

      and . . .

      “sir, i’m really going to have to go.

      i’m afraid i might miss my plane.”

      suddenly, i saw this dirty, grimy hand

      reaching through the window

      i didn’t care if it was dirty —


      i’ll take your hand.

      i’ll walk with you

      in the name of Christ

      i’ll love you to Jesus.”

      he looked through the window at me—

      “you know, lady,

      for the first time in my life

      you’ve made me want to believe.

      thank you.”

       i’m going where He goes . . .

       will you?

       and He’ll be there beside me.

       the love for which He died

       is all i need to guide me.

       and He’s my gold . . .

       is He yours?

       and my silver brightly shining. . .

       He writes the music

       on a quiet summer morning.

      i’m an ordinary girl in a big world

      but i’m going to change it —

      God and i

      and love.

      “yes sir, i’ll walk with you.

      and you, ma’am.

      and you.”

      you and i together,

      we can make it

      believe with me in the world where you live.

      i need you,

      and God needs you.

      i was flying to florida just recently

      and i was seated next to a surgeon.


      you know what, sir?

      i know you would find this hard to believe

      but do you know what i did at 5:00 a.m.

      this morning?

      i just happened to awaken out of a dark sleep,

      and sir, i just lay in bed and cried.

      because you see, sir,

      i am a Christian

      and Jesus is the Lord of my life.

      and sir,

      i’m so glad that He walks with me

      and that He even chose to invade my life

      and live in my humble apartment

      and laugh with me

      and cry with me

      and understand me.


      do you know what i did at 5:00 this morning?

      i just slipped out of my bed

      on my knees

      just to weep out my love for Him.

      i love Him, sir.

      He is more than just a great God high above,

      He’s the Lord of my life.

      He puts His hand on my shoulder

      and He wipes my tears.

      i hear Him laughing when i laugh,

      i feel His silence when i am silent.”

      the surgeon turned and shook his head and said

      “young lady,

      some people might laugh at you,

      but i’d like to

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