Signature for Success. Arlyn J. Imberman

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Signature for Success - Arlyn J. Imberman

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Lack of reserve

      • Lack of self-knowledge

      • Thrifty

      • Unclear judgment

       Overlapping Lines


      • Lack of inhibitions

      • Lack of perspective

      • Chaotic and disorganized thinking

      • Lack of consideration for others

       Wide Line Spacing


      • Analytical mind

      • Well organized

      • Good manners

      • Elegant and refined

      • Detached, clear judgment

      • Anxiety

      • Emotional isolation

       Irregular Line Spacing


      • Lacks self-discipline and self-confidence

      • Reacts to the moment

      • Impulsive, mood swings

       Word Spacing

      Spacing between words tells us much about your personal space in regard to other people—are you easygoing or a little restrained? It also reflects your speech patterns—if a writer pauses to breathe or speeds up when talking, the flow of his or her words on paper will often mirror that individual’s speech.

       Balanced Word Spacing


      • Well balanced

      • Mindful of boundaries (hers and others)

       Narrow Word Spacing


      • Talkative

      • Self-confident

      • Active

      • Demonstrative with others Outgoing

      • Careful with money

       Very Narrow Word Spacing


      • Boundary issues

      • Impulsive

      • Dependent on others

      (Clinging to the baseline is another indicator of these traits.)

       Wide Word Spacing


      • Selective in relationships

      • Reserved and a bit standoffish

      • Poetic and/or philosophical

      • Good listener

       Very Wide Word Spacing


      • Shy or hesitant

      • Fearful of intimacy; inhibited

      • Isolated and lonely

       Irregular Word Spacing


      • Emotionally unstable

      • Conflicted and unpredictable

      • Impatient

      • Unreliable

      • Lacks a clear sense of boundaries in relation to self and others

       Letter Spacing

      The spaces between letters within a word are indicative of self-expression and, in relationships, warmth and openness. The closer the letters, the more inhibited the person; the wider apart the letters, the more open and giving the person.

       Balanced Letter Spacing


      • Adaptable

      • Warm and friendly

      • Open-minded

       Narrow Letter Spacing


      • Refusal to reflect or practice introspection on oneself and life in general

       Wide Letter Spacing


      • Outgoing

      • Chatty

      • Spontaneous


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