Entangled Secrets. Pat Esden

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Entangled Secrets - Pat Esden Northern Circle Coven Series

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meant what I said about not forcing you into anything.”

      Lionel smiled at Devlin, then met Chandler’s eyes. “It’s not you. Not either of you. It’s me. I didn’t just see the black dog. I saw the skin cut from my friend’s body. I saw it made into a charm. I know Rhianna was responsible for those things. But my head is reeling. I don’t trust myself or my instincts right now. I need to step back and think before I make any more decisions.” His smile widened. “I’m assuming if I change my mind, the offer will still stand?”

      “Of course, you’re welcome anytime. Day or night,” Chandler said.

      But a horrible feeling twisted deep inside her chest. As much as he denied it, she couldn’t believe her refusing his advances hadn’t played a role in this incredibly unwise decision.

      Chapter 9

      Hang in there. It’s better to be the witch with one true friend

      than part of the popular crowd because of your wealth and family name.

      Hugs and kisses, Mom

      —Note scribbled on Greylock Academy’s Guidance Office letterhead

      After Lionel left and she was finished reviewing Peregrine’s dangerous fae location list, Chandler put on a white caftan and the moonstone rings that she’d inherited from her adoptive mom. Then she and Peregrine headed up the driveway toward the back entry to the coven’s garden. Tonight, for the first time as a high priestess, she’d lead the full-moon ritual. She’d also decided it was time to give Peregrine the added responsibility of carrying the lighter he’d use at the end of the ritual, as part of his expanding role as a witch with abilities.

      She was mulling over the wisdom of the lighter decision when Peregrine came to an abrupt halt in front of where Devlin’s apartment was attached to the coven’s garage. He looked up at her. “Mama, are you going to take me out of school?”

      It took a second for what he’d said to register. It was something she’d contemplated earlier. How else could she keep him safe now that he had the sight? Fending off fae attacks wasn’t exactly something the average public-school teacher was prepared for.

      “I’m not scared of faeries.” He pouted. “Please. I don’t want to be homeschooled.”

      It broke her heart, but she had to be honest. “I’m not sure we have a choice anymore.”

      His voice edged upward. “Schools aren’t on the dangerous place list. I have my triskelion. We could make some spray like Keshari has for demons.”

      “The spray is a great suggestion,” she said, hoping to soothe his frustration before it turned into a tantrum. Truly, it was a good thought. Though demons and the fae were old adversaries—both forever vying for domination over humans and witches—the spray Chloe’s friend Keshari had made, based on Tibetan shamanism, probably could be tweaked to work on faeries as well. She stashed the idea in the back of her mind, then gave Peregrine’s cheek a light stroke, infused with comforting energy.

      His eyes widened. “You really think the spray would work?”

      “We can talk to Keshari about it. But no matter what, you’re going to have to stay home until we get everything figured out.”

      “All right, I guess.” His voice took on a sly tone. “When I was reading the Good Folk book, I looked at some extra stuff.”

      “You did?” She was surprised he’d had time for that.

      “Did you know black dogs aren’t always bad? It said so in the addendum.” He sounded out the last word with special care. “Some black dogs are benevolent. That means they are nice. Some even guard treasures.”

      “No, I didn’t realize that,” Chandler said. She actually hadn’t had time to think about the black dog in depth at all. “But you’re still going to have to stay home for a few days.”

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