Killer Green Tomatoes. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Green Tomatoes - Lynn Cahoon A Farm-to-Fork Mystery

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instead thought about the dishes she’d create as soon as she arrived home. Food was about family too. And food always had good memories attached.

      Chapter 3

      Someone rapped twice on her door first thing Friday morning. Angie had already fed Mabel and Precious. She set Dom’s breakfast down on the floor and went to see who was visiting. She suspected she’d find Mrs. Potter on the other side, but Ian McNeal stood there with a large pastry bag. “What are you doing here?”

      “Do you have coffee made to go with the donuts? The bakery in the local store makes them fresh each morning. I had to stand in line for a good three minutes.” He walked through the doorway as Angie opened the screen door and set the bag down on the table. Crouching down, he rubbed Dom’s chest. The St. Bernard was beside himself with wiggles. Angie suspected Dom loved Ian almost as much as he did her. “Hey, who’s a good boy?”

      “He’s in trouble with me. He tried to knock Precious’s food bucket out of my hand this morning.” Angie went to the counter and poured a cup of coffee for Ian. He preferred a good Irish breakfast tea, but she noted if she had a pot already made, he’d ask for coffee. “Plates or napkins for the donuts?”

      “Why dirty a plate?” He glanced around the kitchen. “It smells wonderful in here. Have you been creating?”

      Angie refilled her own cup and brought over several napkins. “I’m too easy to read, aren’t I?”

      “Well, I kind of got a call from Missy at the Farm Store.” He took out a donut and offered her one.

      “You have a maple bar in there?” Peering into the bag, she ignored the offered treat and grabbed the one she was craving. It was probably too early in their relationship for him to actually know what kind of donuts she preferred, but at least he came with a good variety. She’d eaten half of the doughy goodness before his words sank in. “How would Missy know I’ve been working on recipes? Does she live out here?”

      He sipped his coffee, obviously considering his words carefully. Finally, he set the cup down. “You’re not going to like this, but it’s part of living in a small town.”

      A pit formed in Angie’s stomach. “Rip off the Band-Aid.”

      Ian shook his head. “I’ve never understood that American saying, but I know what you mean. Missy called me to tell me she saw you getting out of Estebe’s Hummer yesterday and asked if I knew you were stepping out on me.”

      Angie spat out part of the sip of coffee she’d just taken to slow down the sugar rush. “Stepping out on you? Because I rode in a car with another man? What is this, the 1960s?”

      “I told you. Small town.” He handed her a napkin. “When I moved here, because I ordered tea at the diner instead of coffee, there were concerns about what exactly I was doing here, and someone called Allen.”

      “They sent the sheriff over to talk to you because you moved into a small town? What, did they think that everyone had to be born here to like living in River Vista?”

      Ian finished his donut. “Actually, they were more concerned about my intentions regarding the town. I might have been someone who didn’t like the slower lifestyle. They wanted to make sure I’d fit in. And now I do. Heck, they’re even protecting me from my wanton girlfriend.”

      “And you decided to come out here and check to make sure Estebe wasn’t having breakfast with me?” She studied him, wondering what his reaction had been when the town busybody had called.

      “I came out here with breakfast because we didn’t get to see much of each other this week. You’ve been busy with the restaurant. And Mildred’s been clingy. I needed to get away from her before I said something that would hurt her feelings.” He stood and went to refill his coffee cup. As he brought the pot to the table and refilled her cup, he added, “And to make sure Estebe wasn’t having breakfast with you.”

      “Ian!” Angie glanced up into those impossibly blue eyes and saw the humor in his reaction.

      “You have to admit, we’ve never talked about this thing between us being exclusive. And with you straight out of California, you may not be as traditional as I am. So I thought I should come and ask you straight out. Angie Turner, would you be my girlfriend?”

      “Which means I don’t date someone else, or I don’t drive in a car with a man?” Angie sipped her coffee, wondering how they’d gotten in so deep so quickly.

      Ian pulled a second donut out and tossed the bag to her. “What it means to me is we’re exclusive in the softer side of the relationship. I have no problem with you being with anyone else as long as it’s not a date.”

      “Or a hookup. I hear those loose California women like to just have random encounters with strange men.” She noticed he’d left the last maple glazed donut for her. This having a boyfriend thing was working in her favor.

      He was staring at her.

      “What? I was kidding. Or did you want the maple donut?” She held it toward him.

      “Sometimes the things you say…” He paused. “Just don’t be saying that around Missy. I don’t think she has the same sense of humor as you do.”

      Angie snorted. “I don’t think the woman has any sense of humor at all. Okay, fine, I’ll be your girlfriend. Does this mean you’re giving me your class ring?”

      “Not sure what that is, but I bought you breakfast this morning. Isn’t that enough?” Ian stood and took his cup to the sink. “I better get going. I’ve got a meeting with the board for the farmers market this morning. Thank you for breakfast.”

      “You brought the donuts, all I supplied was coffee.” She stood and took her own cup over to the sink. “I’ve got to get ready to go in too. There’s always so much to do the first night we’re open each week. Besides, I really want to check out Estebe’s cousin’s produce. I’ve got some killer ideas if he can actually deliver consistent quality like I got yesterday.”

      “From what I’ve heard about Javier, I’m not sure he spends a lot of time at the farm. He’s more of the sales department for the younger brother, who does all the work.” Ian pulled her into an embrace and kissed her. “Bye, girlfriend.”

      “You just like saying that word, don’t you?” Angie brushed a donut crumb off the corner of his lips.

      “Funny, but I really do.” He gave Dom a rub between the ears and went outside to his car. The guy was whistling. Angie shook her head. He really was sweet, and apparently, he had been at least concerned when Missy told him about her ride in Estebe’s Hummer. The gossip train had just better learn to ignore her actions because she wasn’t changing who she was just because some woman had an antiquated idea of what was proper.

      As she drove into River Vista, she thought about what Ian had said about Javier’s younger brother. She’d have to ask Estebe about the guy and if he thought the brother was dedicated enough to provide product. She’d hate to have to redo a menu in the middle of the month, but she guessed she needed to take a chance on the farm, for her sous chef’s sake. He’d trusted her enough to share this part of his life with her. She could trust him.

      When service started Friday night, Angie was surprised to see Missy Stockwell and her husband seated at a table near the door. Felicia had just seated the couple

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