Discovering Partial Least Squares with JMP. Marie Gaudard A.

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Discovering Partial Least Squares with JMP - Marie Gaudard A.

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Reviewing the Data

       Performing the Analysis

       The NIPALS Fit Report

       A Pruned PLS Model for the Blue Ridge Ecoregion

       Model Fit

       Comparing Actual Values to Predicted Values for the Test Set


       Chapter 8 Baking Bread That People Like


       The Data

       Data Table Description

       Missing Data Check

       The First Stage Model

       Visual Exploration of Overall Liking and Consumer Xs

       The Plan for the First Stage Model

       Stage One PLS Model

       Stage One Pruned PLS Model

       Stage One MLR Model

       Comparing the Stage One Models

       Visual Exploration of Ys and Xs

       Stage Two PLS Model

       Stage Two MLR Model

       The Combined Model for Overall Liking

       Constructing the Prediction Formula

       Viewing the Profiler


       Appendix 1: Technical Details

       Ground Rules

       The Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix


       Relationship to Spectral Decomposition

       Other Useful Facts

       Principal Components Regression

       The Idea behind PLS Algorithms


       The NIPALS Algorithm

       Computational Results

       Properties of the NIPALS Algorithm


       Optimization Criterion

       Implications for the Algorithm

       The SIMPLS Algorithm

       More on VIPs

       The Standardize X Option

       Determining the Number of Factors

       Cross Validation: How JMP Does It

       Appendix 2: Simulation Studies


       The Bias-Variance Tradeoff in PLS


       Two Simple Examples


       The Simulation Study

       Results and Discussion


       Using PLS for Variable Selection


       Structure of the Study

       The Simulation

       Computation of Result Measures






      A Word to the Practitioner

      Welcome to Discovering Partial Least Squares with JMP. This book introduces you to the exciting area of partial least squares. Partial least squares is a multivariate modeling technique based on the idea of projection—the inspiration for the book’s cover design. You will obtain background understanding and see the technique applied in a number of examples. The book is built around the intuitive and powerful JMP statistical software, which will help you understand and internalize this new topic in a way that just reading simply cannot.

      Since our goal is to help you apply partial least squares in your own setting, the textual material exists only to build your understanding and confidence as you progress through the worked examples. Although we endeavor to provide the salient details, the area of partial least squares is very broad and this book is necessarily incomplete. To the extent that we cannot cover certain topics fully, we provide references for your further study.

      We open with a number of introductory chapters that describe the concepts behind partial least squares and help position it in the wider world of statistical methodology and application. The meat of the book is found in Chapters 5 through 8, which contain four examples. Working through these examples using JMP prepares you to apply partial least squares to your own data. The book also contains two appendixes that provide further statistical details and the results of some simulation studies. Depending on your level and area of interest, you might find these useful.

      Although a user of standard JMP 11 or later will find this book useful, many examples require JMP Pro 11 or later. Compared to the standard version of JMP, the Pro version is intended for those who require deeper analytical capabilities. In JMP Pro, the implementation of partial least squares is quite complete.


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