Radical Theatrics. Craig J. Peariso

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Radical Theatrics - Craig J. Peariso

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      1  Cover Page

      2  Begin Reading

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication

      5  Contents


      THIS PROJECT WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN FINISHED WITHOUT THE help of a number of colleagues, friends, and family members. From the project’s origins to its current state, the input and support of the following have been invaluable. I owe particular thanks to Jonathan Katz, without whose advice a project of this breadth would have seemed unthinkable. His comments on early drafts of this work kept me focused and moving forward at a stage when it would have been all too easy to follow any number of false leads. Joseph Monteyne, John Lutterbie, Seth Clark Silberman, and James Rubin also provided valuable feedback on early versions of much of what follows, helping me to sharpen my thinking on a number of issues the work raises. More recently, the anonymous readers for the University of Washington Press offered thoughtful and incisive criticism, which in turn led me to further refine the arguments presented herein. To them I am incredibly grateful.

      Archivists at numerous libraries have also played a key role in the completion of this work. Specifically, I would like to thank Terry Goldich and the staff at the University of Connecticut’s Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. Their award of a Sigmund Strochlitz Travel Grant and their assistance in navigating the Hoffman family papers were vital in the earliest stages of my research. I would also like to express my gratitude to the archivists and staff at the New York Public Library, and at the Special Collections at Stanford

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