A Sephardi Life in Southeastern Europe. Aron Rodrigue

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A Sephardi Life in Southeastern Europe - Aron Rodrigue Samuel and Althea Stroum Books

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of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Transition: The Teachers of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, 1860–1939 (Seattle, 1993).

      9. For an analysis of the ideology of emancipation and regeneration, see Jay Berkovitz, The Shaping of Jewish Identity in Nineteenth Century France (Detroit, 1989); Rodrigue, French Jews, Turkish Jews, 1–24; Rodrigue, Images.

      10. See Rodrigue, Images, 15–21.

      11. Ibid., 25–30.

      12. On the activities of Nissim Béhar, see Shlomo Haramati, Three Who Preceded Ben Yehudah (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem, 1978), 83–125.

      13. See Rodrigue, Images, 34–67.

      14. See Esther Benbassa and A. Rodrigue, “L’artisanat juif en Turquie à la fin du XIXe siècle: L’Alliance Israélite Universelle et ses oeuvres d’apprentissage,” Turcica 17 (1985): 113–26.

      15. Georges Weill, “Charles Netter ou les oranges de Jaffa,” Nouveaux Cahiers 21 (summer 1970): 2–36; Rodrigue, Images, 94–104.

      16. See Rodrigue, French Jews, Turkish Jews, 110–11.

      17. See Keshales, History, 2:195–210.

      18. Ibid., 173.

      19. On Zionism, see Esther Benbassa, “Zionism in the Ottoman Empire at the End of the Nineteenth and the Beginning of the Twentieth Century,” Studies in Zionism 11/2 (fall 1990): 127–40; Esther Benbassa, “Associational Strategies in Ottoman Jewish Society in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” in Levy, ed., Jews of the Ottoman Empire, 457–84. See also Benbassa and Rodrigue, The Jews of the Balkans, 116–54.

      20. See Tamir, Bulgaria and Her Jews, 126–31; Benbassa and Rodrigue, The Jews of the Balkans, 163.

      21. Biographical information compiled by his son and dated 8 November 1989.

      22. Ibid.

      23. See Tamir, Bulgaria and Her Jews, 116.

      24. Archives de l’Alliance Israélite Universelle, Bulgarie XII.E. 153a.

      25. Gabriel Arié, Histoire juive depuis les origines jusqu’à nos jours (Paris, 1923), 1.

      26. Ibid., 2.

      27. Ibid., 65.

      28. Ibid., 236.

      29. Ibid., 262.

      30. Ibid.

      31. Ibid., 278.

      32. Ibid., 279.

      33. Ibid., 337.

      34. Gabriel Arié, Histoire juive depuis les origines jusqu’à nos jours, 2d ed. (Paris, 1926), 3.

      35. Ibid., 348.

      36. Ibid., 349.

      37. Ibid., 366.

      38. Ibid.

      39. Archives de l’Alliance Israélite Universelle, Suisse A, response by Bigart to a letter from Arié dated 15 January 1909.

      40. Philippe Lejeune, L’autobiographie en France (Paris, 1971), 10.

      41. Ibid.

      42. Ibid., 70.

      43. Pierre Guillaume, “Tuberculose et montagne: Naissance d’un mythe,” Vingtième Siècle: Revue d’Histoire 30 (April–June 1991): 36–37.

      44. Béatrice Didier, Le journal intime (Paris, 1976), 18.

      45. Lejeune, L’autobiographie en France, 210.

      46. Ibid., 216.

      47. Ibid., 210.

      48. See n. 6 above.

      49. Mme Mathilde Arié of Israel, wife of Félix, nephew of G. Arié, sent us three genealogical trees: the first goes from 1780, the date the ancestor of the line, Abraham Arié, arrived in Samakov, until 1890, and was no doubt compiled by the father of G. Arié; the second was compiled by G. Arié himself; and the third is a later, supplementary copy. Different members of the family, who are dispersed in various countries and who sometimes do not know one another, possess copies of these trees.

      50. Didier, Le journal intime, 63.

      51. Ibid.

      52. Ibid., 47.

      53. Ibid., 79.

      54. Lejeune, L’autobiographie en France, 217.

      55. Didier, Le journal intime, 79.

      56. Ibid., 64.

      57. Ibid., 56–57.

      58. Michelle Perrot, “Drames et conflits familiaux,” in Philippe Ariès and Georges Duby, eds., Histoire de la vie privée (Paris, 1987), 4:264; Adeline Daumard, Les bourgeois et la bourgeoisie en France depuis 1815 (Paris, 1991), 153.

      59. Anne Martin-Fugier, “Les rites de la vie privée bourgeoise,” in Ariès and Duby, eds., Vie privée, 4:195.

      60. Didier, Le journal intime, 21.

      61. Lejeune, L’autobiographie en France, 181–82.

      62. Ibid., 59.

      63. Alain Corbin, “Coulisses: Le secret de l’individu,” in Ariès and Duby, eds., Vie privée, 4:419.

      64. S. N. Eisenstadt, ed., Patterns of Modernity (London, 1987), 1:5; Jacques Le Goff, Histoire et mémoire (Paris, 1988), 61.

      65. For Westernization in Sephardi regions, see Esther Benbassa, “La modernisation en terre sépharde,” in Shmuel Trigano, ed., La société juive à travers l’histoire (Paris, 1992), 1:565–605.

      66. For photographs, see various private collections and also Esther Yuhas, ed., The Sephardi Jews in the Ottoman Empire (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem, 1989).

      67. Esther Benbassa, “Education for Jewish Girls in the East: A Portrait of the Galata School in Istanbul, 1872–1912,” Studies in Contemporary Jewry 9 (1993): 163–73.

      68. Daumard, Les bourgeois et la bourgeoisie, 152.

      69. Didier, Le journal intime, 91.

      70. Martin-Fugier, “Vie privée,” 195; Didier, Le journal intime, 18.

      71. Michelle Perrot, “Figures et rôles,” in Ariès and Duby, eds., Vie privée, 172.

      72. Daumard, Les bourgeois et la bourgeoisie, 152.

      73. Martin-Fugier,

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