A Tale of Two Dragons. G.A. Aiken

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A Tale of Two Dragons - G.A. Aiken Dragon Kin

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sight of Braith. Quickly closing the door, Braith proceeded to look for something to wear. Since she only intended to be human until she made it to a clearing, she pulled a long cotton shirt out of a trunk and drew it over her head. It reached her knees, and she decided that would cover enough of her for the sensitive humans.

      She went back to the door and again opened it. The servant was still there, cleaning up after one of the dogs running around. Head held high, Braith walked down the hallway and then down the stairs until she reached the first floor and the Main Hall.

      As one of the main dining areas for the extensive Cadwaladr Clan, there were many tables, but only one was occupied. That’s where Addolgar and his parents sat eating their breakfast of meat and bread. Braith decided to forgo common courtesy and headed straight toward the open front doors.

      She had barely passed the table when she heard, “Oy!”

      Braith kept walking, not looking back, not answering. She merely had to get to the open double doors. She did, too. Making it outside and going down the stone steps. But as her bare feet stepped onto the courtyard, Ghleanna stood there, waiting for her.

      “Going somewhere, Lady Braith?” Ghleanna asked.

      “I have somewhere to be. So move.”

      “Wait, wait.” Addolgar jogged down the steps, stopping by Braith’s side. “You can’t leave.”

      “I can’t stay, Addolgar. You are putting your kin at risk. You know what the Queen will do—”

      “Exactly,” he cut in. “I know what the Queen will do even though you did nothing wrong.”

      “Then that’s what I’ll tell her.”

      “Oh, please,” Ghleanna scoffed. “Do you really think that female will listen to you?”

      “That female is our Queen. Now get out of my way.”

      Braith pushed past Ghleanna, but the She-dragon caught her wrist, held her in place.

      Letting out a sigh, Braith looked over her shoulder at Ghleanna.

      “Perhaps,” Ghleanna murmured, “I wasn’t clear.”

      “Actually,” Braith admitted, “you were.”

      “Oy. Boy.”

      Addolgar looked behind him and saw his father gesturing to him with his hand.

      “But, Da—”

      “Up here now.”

      With a frustrated sigh, Addolgar jogged back up the stairs until he stood by his father’s side.

      After Rhys had headed out to see if he could find out any more information about what all of Emyr’s plans might be while not alerting the Queen to what had already happened, Addolgar had sat down with his parents to talk about what their options were. What he hadn’t expected was to see Braith walking out of his parents’ home with, he was sure, the intention of turning herself in to the Queen.

      “What is it, Da?” he asked Ailean, anxious to get Braith back inside.

      “Just moving you out of the way, boy.”

      “What are you talking—”

      Before Addolgar could finish the question, his sister flipped up the steps, her back ramming into the hard stone. Snarling, Ghleanna pushed her short, black hair off her face before charging back down the stairs toward Braith. Addolgar began to follow, but his father quickly caught hold of his arm and held it.

      “You don’t want to do that, boy.”

      Addolgar didn’t understand. Ghleanna was a great soldier, but when she lost her temper . . . well, he just knew his sister, and Ailean knew his daughter. So he didn’t understand why his father would stop him from protecting Braith—until he saw Braith protecting herself.

      It wasn’t Braith’s skills that stopped him in his tracks but her strength, her power.

      Ghleanna, a true battle-hardened soldier, didn’t bother to play by the dragon rules of fighting etiquette. Instead, she just swung her fist—and Braith caught it. Easily. Shocking even Ghleanna, who couldn’t pull her hand away. After a moment of silence and intense glaring, Braith yanked Ghleanna forward at the same time she swung her free fist. Her knuckles slammed into Ghleanna’s face, blood splattered, and after Braith released Ghleanna’s hand, Addolgar’s sister crashed to the ground. She was out cold, her nose broken from the looks of it.

      Unfortunately, the other Cadwaladrs that were lurking nearby, most likely using the courtyard to sleep off last night’s drink, were now awake and moving forward. As one, as they’d been trained to move since hatching, they surrounded Braith. One of their own had been harmed. No matter the situation, Cadwaladrs always protected their own, whether it was from humans or other dragons or bloody centaurs. They prided themselves on their loyalty to blood and kin.

      And Braith was neither.

      Braith slowly looked over those surrounding her, then cracked her neck. It must have been the sound of those bones grinding that panicked one of his younger cousins. She moved first, coming at Braith quick and hard, but she barely got within three feet of her before Braith’s forearm hit her with such force, she sent the young She-dragon flying back and through the wall of one of the courtyard buildings. That’s when the others moved, Addolgar’s kin descending on Braith like the battle dogs the royals called them.

      But, wearing only his shirt and with no weapons, Braith stood her ground as he’d never seen anyone stand their ground before. She wasn’t graceful. She wasn’t a proper soldier. No. Braith of the Darkness was simply brutal . . . vicious . . . like a powerful pit dog. There wasn’t one part of her body she wasn’t willing to risk in order to harm her opponent. Yet her innate strength seemed to protect her, and she used that strength without pity, without regret.

      “Gods,” Addolgar breathed.

      “I know.” Ailean glanced behind him before softly admitting, “Just like her mum, that one. I knew her mum long ago. Before she met Emyr.”

      “Is there anyone you hadn’t fucked before you mated with Mum?”

      “One or two,” his father teased. “Of course, those were girls that,” he felt the need to add, “really didn’t like males in the first place.”

      Addolgar rolled his eyes, unwilling to discuss his father’s past conquests further, which was when he noticed that Braith still stood—while the rest of his family did not.

      He glanced at his father. “It was like watching one big dog massacre a gang of smaller, weaker dogs.”

      “Like I said, she’s truly her mum’s offspring. That female had massive arms and a thick neck. But a lovely long tail,” he added with a sigh.

      “I don’t know how Mum tolerates you.”

      “She knows that my heart and soul belong only to her. But me past is me own.”

      Braith looked back at Addolgar, sneering at him, one side of her top lip rising a bit to illustrate her true disgust. Then

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