Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

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Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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endowed with all of those abilities and forces of its Maker.


      This does not mean Adam split or divided his soul, nor that Eve was an inferior creation. Both were complete entities, entire souls, and, as the above indicates, were “endowed with all those abilities and forces of [their] Maker.”

      Adam was able to project out of his own body the negative substance through which another soul, by suppressing its positive, could manifest.

      Perhaps the closest analogy we have to the creation of Eve from the body of Adam is in the claim made by spiritualist mediums who are able to produce disincarnate spirits at their séances. This materialization is done, the medium states, from an ectoplasmic substance which he is able to project from his body while in a meditative state. The discarnate moves into the ectoplasmic field and molds it according to his own features, to be recognizable to those at the seance.

      The creation of the body of Eve, drawn from self and not the animal kingdom, was a spiritual procreation, an immaculate form of conception. The indication is that the descendants of Adam were practicing this manner of propagation up to the time of Noah and the Flood. After Noah, the knowledge was generally lost, but restored (or brought to mind again) through the Virgin Birth.

       Were this turned to that period when this desire, then becomes consecrated . . . again in the virgin body of the mother of the Son of man, we see . . . that even that of the flesh may be—with the proper concept, [the] proper desire in all its purity—consecrated to the living forces as manifest by the ability in that body so brought into being, as to make a way of escape for the erring man.


      Uniting the opposing forces, the positive and negative, male and female, and bringing them into a creative balance and stabilizing our relationships with our “opposites,” becomes the way of returning and reuniting with the Oneness of Spirit.

       (Q) Is the destiny of woman’s body to return to the rib of man, out of which it was created? If so, how; and what is “the rib”?

       (A) With this ye touch upon delicate subjects, upon which much might be said respecting the necessity of that union of influences or forces that are divided in the earth in sex, in which all must become what? As He gave in answer to the question, “Whose wife will she be?”

       In the heavenly kingdom ye are neither married nor given in marriage; neither is there any such thing as sex; ye become as one—in the union of that from which, of which, ye have been the portion from the beginning.


      2Lamsa translation.

      3Unlike archeologists and other scholars who look for a physical race identified through blood lines, bone structure, and other physical features, the Adamic race which Cayce describes is one of Spirit whose members are identified by a common mode of thought and action.

      . . . who is Israel? . . . Israel is the seeker after Truth. Who may this be? Those who put and hold trust in the fact that they, as individuals, are children of the universal consciousness or God!


      . . . the greater meaning of the word—Israel those called of God for a service before the fellowman.


      For those who seek are indeed Israel, and Israel indeed is all who seek; meaning not those as of the children of Abraham alone, but of every nation, every tribe, every tongue—Israel of the Lord! That is the full meaning of Israel.


      The Fall of Man

       . . . we see the creation of the world, as the awareness of these influences that have become enmeshed, entangled into matter; that they are seeking they know not what.

       For that desire to procreate in self, or to hold to selfish interests, has grown—grown—until it is—what did He give?—the prince of this world, the prince of this world!

       Know that He who came as our director, as our brother, as our Savior, has said that the prince of this world has no part in Him, nor with Him. (John 14: 30)

       Then as we become more and more aware within ourselves of the answering of the experiences, we become aware of what He gave to those that were the first of God’s projection—not man but God’s projection into the earth; Adam and Eve.

       And then in their early day they were tempted by the prince of this world, and partook of same.


      The readings are very definite about the cause of Adams Fall. Sin came into God’s Creation through the misuse of the God-Force at the sexual level. This was the real temptation, the “forbidden fruit” offered to Eve.

       The apple, then, that desire for that which made for the associations that bring carnal-minded influences of that brought as sex influence, known in a material world, and the partaking of same is that which brought the influence in the lives of that in the symbol of the serpent, that made for that which creates the desire that may be only satisfied in gratification of carnal forces, as partake of the world and its influences about same—rather than of the spiritual emanations from which it has its source.

       Will control—inability of will control, if we may put it in common parlance.


      Perhaps the Serpent made Eve aware of that mysterious substance which was now the home for her soul—her own body, undefiled and unexplored.

      And when the woman saw that the free was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Genesis 3:6)

      Cayce’s thoughts on Conception and Childbirth are worth noting here. The readings placed great emphasis on the ideals and purposes of the parents toward sexual union, conception, and childbirth. Their mental and spiritual ideals can exert a more powerful influence on the unborn child than the physical forces of heredity and environment. A long series of readings, part of the 281 series devoted to the book of The Revelation, investigated such desire . . . is phenomena extensively. The conclusion of this series is succinctly stated in the following:

       (Q) It is the spiritual activity within the body of the parents, or the lack of it, that determines the influence predominant in the life of their child.

       (A) This is true.



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