Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

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Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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to each individual.

      Edgar Cayce felt that the new identity of God as Jehovah was like a sign to the people. The name made Him more personal, just as the name Jesus does for the Christian. Throughout the Exodus, the Hebrews began to feel, experience, and comprehend the awareness of the presence of the divine in their lives. Jehovah became the most endearing word by which they could refer to this all-powerful, unseen, creative force manifesting through them. The covenant which had been made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob began to be more real to them.

      This promise, Edgar Cayce said in one of his Bible class lectures, was renewed in Jesus, who said he would bring into remembrance all things, even from the foundations of the world. Just as it was necessary for the Hebrews then, he taught, it is the responsibility of the individual today to make that promise real in his own life.

       Joshua: An Aide to Moses

      The first five books of the Bible are called the Torah by the Jews and represent the most significant portions of their Scripture. Although traditionally attributed to Moses, Edgar Cayce suggests that Joshua may have had a great responsibility in formulating these concepts. Only by accepting the incarnations Cayce attributes to the development of Jesus do we have the basis for understanding the following:

       . . . from the very first of the Old Testament to the very last even of Revelation, He is not merely the subject of the book, He is the author in the greater part, having given to man the mind and the purpose for its having been put in print.


      Adam entered the earth to be the savior. Enoch was a prophet, and, if the traditions and legends are accurate, dedicated himself to preserving records of the Law of One. Melchizedek wrote the Book of Job, and was the author of teachings used later by Samuel and Elijah in founding the School of Prophets.

      Joseph initiated the first period of bounty and favor for Israel as a nation. After his death, the period he instituted gradually deteriorated into bondage and servitude. After the passage of four hundred years, this soul then reincarnated as Joshua and was instrumental in leading Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land of Canaan, for the second material kingdom in their history.

      Although “writings of Joseph” are mentioned once in the Cayce readings, nothing is known about them. Yet, they must have influenced, or have been assimilated into portions of our Scripture.

      Two readings refer to Joshua as the “interpreter” and “mouthpiece” for Moses. Reading 364-5 states Genesis was compiled from existing, ancient records and from information obtained by Moses through deep meditation. Joshua no doubt aided Moses in understanding the meanings of the old manuscripts and interpreting those experiences while in altered states of consciousness. It is quite possible both Joshua and Moses were psychic and clairvoyant.

      It is twice recorded that Joshua accompanied Moses when he went to commune with the Lord on the mountaintop (Exodus 24:13) and in the tabernacle (Exodus 33:7). Only Joshua was permitted to do this. Not even Aaron, Moses’ own brother, was allowed to accompany Moses.

      In the light of these possibilities, Joshua becomes one of the most outstanding and significant characters of the Old Testament.

       The Birth of Moses

      Four-hundred-year cycles play a recurrent part in the spiritual history of Israel When the book of Exodus opens, the four-hundred-year period of captivity foretold to Abraham is nearly completed. Four centuries have passed between the death of Joseph and this soul’s rebirth as Joshua. An identical time span occurs between his last Old Testament incarnation as Jeshua, the high priest at the time of the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and his birth as Jesus.

      Throughout the later history of Israel, it will be seen that the prayers of the people in times of distress or servitude have resulted in the incarnation of a great leader. Moses is the first of these figures, and the one who dominates the entire Old Testament. Many other great leaders will follow, who always arise when the people have returned to dependency on God.

      The details of Moses’ birth and his being set adrift on the Nile, to be discovered by the princess, are a familiar story to all of us. However, in a reading for an Iowa housewife, who was told she had been a handmaiden to this princess, Cayce supplied additional facts. Note the touching detail about the lilies.

       Before that, we find the entity was in the Egyptian land when there were those beginnings of the preparations for the coming of the lawgiver. The entity was among those of the maids to the princess of Egypt, and the individual who waded into the river to bring the little ark or bassinet ashore with the babe in same. About the babe were lilies, which is a portion of the symbol, and it is a gentle reminder of the law given by the entity [Moses] whom the servant or maid brought to this princess. These should be reminders and thus keeping the law. For the law of the Lord is perfect and it converts the soul as application is made in same through patience. The name then was Abatha.


      The orthodox interpretation has always been that the child was immediately taken into the Egyptian court and raised as an Egyptian, with the child’s mother hired as his nurse. Yet the following reading, given in 1944 for a woman from Pennsylvania, indicates the child was not raised as an Egyptian for the first several years, but in his own home, among his own people. Several members of the Egyptian household accompanied the child, and, like this maiden, were exposed to the spiritual influences in that home.

       Before that, we find the entity was in the land when there were these who gathered about the ark which had been placed in the Nile. The entity was then a maid to Pharaoh’s daughter and one who was given the privilege to be in the household of Moses’ mother during the rearing of the babe who became the lawgiver to the world. For this is the basis of the activity. Thus the entity, in the name then Tanai, heard the prayers, not only of Jochabed, but Miriam, as this entity saw the child grow and knew that for which it was destined, that there were those forces, those influences such that indeed the soul of each entity is a corpuscle in the body of God.


      Another woman, a Christian service volunteer in her present life, was told she had been an instructor to Moses. The reading also suggests an exchange of ideas and information between the Egyptian teachers and the Hebrews:

       Before that, the entity was in the Egyptian land, during that period when there were the preparations for those activities which brought about the return of the children of promise to the Promised Land.

       The entity then was in the household of the Pharaoh, and in the name Tahi. The entity encouraged those activities and aided in the instruction of Moses as not merely an Egyptian but from the associations with Jochabed, the entity learned from the scribe Ezakiai [?] of those promises that had been made to the saints before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

       These became a part of the entity’s experience. And when there were the journeyings from the Egyptian land, the entity was among those who went with Moses, Aaron, and Miriam; the entity being a close associate of Miriam through those periods of journeying, and strengthened the hands of those who aided in preparing the way.



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