Communications From the Other Side. Anthony Quinata

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Communications From the Other Side - Anthony Quinata

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Well, she said my daughter’s name, but by then I felt deflated at not hearing from George, so I didn’t think twice about it.

      The next morning, I looked at George’s watch on my son’s dresser. It was stopped at 4:00! I didn’t even know it was broken. I decided to try one more time. I took my daughter with me and we drove to the mall where Lisa was doing a book signing. We stood in line after her talk, and all the while I kept talking to George in my head asking him to please let us know if he was okay. When we approached her, I asked, “Did you ever find the George you were looking for last night?” Surprised, she stopped writing in my book and said, “No!” So, I pulled the watch out and showed it to her. She said, “Oh, my God, that’s it!” Of course, she doesn’t do readings at her book signings, so I just quickly asked her, “Is he okay?” She said, “He went very quickly; yes, he’s okay.” I couldn’t help shaking.

      When she looked back down at the paper her assistant had written our names on, she just stopped. “Oh! This is the name I called out for last night (referring to my daughter). The same spelling, too! I never spell this name that way, but there it is!” After a few hugs we were on our way. My heart and head were pounding. George is okay!

      I started visiting Lisa Williams’ Web site daily after my friend showed me that Lisa posts messages from those who have passed for their loved ones. I read through them religiously, just in case George might have something, anything, to say to us.

      One day, I found a posting in her blog from someone in Denver who sympathized with her regarding her schedule as he, too, was a medium living a hectic pace, helping people reach loved ones. I couldn’t believe it. There was another medium right here in Denver!

      Was he real? Could he be someone like Lisa? My mind was in a whirl!

      I called to set up an appointment. He was kind and understanding on the phone. I didn’t give him a clue as to whom I wanted to hear from or needed to contact. He had to leave town for a week to appear on a television program but promised to meet with me as soon as he could after he returned.

      Again, I spoke to George the entire week insisting that he’d better show up for this! I arrived for the appointment with my daughter and a load of insecurity and suspicion. I had absolutely zero confidence that this was going to work.

      I was determined not to give this man a bit of information he could use to pretend that someone in spirit was there for us. I was immediately taken with how low key and down-to-earth Anthony was. Even though I was high strung and a bundle of nerves, he remained calm and serene. While arranging the chairs for our meeting, he suddenly stopped and asked, “Who is George?” I said, “He’s someone we’re here to reach.”

      He laughed and said, “Well . . . okay; he’s already here and we haven’t even started yet!” Anthony knew his name right off the bat!

      Throughout the entire session, true to my intention, I didn’t give Anthony any information he could creatively build on. Yet he went on to describe our lives perfectly. Actually, George went on and on about our lives through Anthony. He laughed a lot and talked about the good times, before he got sick. He talked about the sports car he used to drive. He spoke about his illness and the lack of support from his family right up to the end.

      George told me about his life on the Other Side. He talked about the place where he was and would remain for a while in order to rest and recuperate and to adjust to his new reality. He asked me to remember the places in the mountains we used to visit. He said that it’s a lot like that for him. He told me to just picture him surrounded by lots of trees and a stream, just the way he likes it! He spends a lot of time by that stream thinking, and the sun is always shining. He said he is the happy-go-lucky guy we all used to know.

      He told me . . . when we get there . . . we are all accepted for who we are. That was huge for me!

      He apologized for leaving us, especially our thirteen-year-old son, who will need him most of all in these tough years to come. He even brought up the little things that our children and I were now doing on a day-to-day basis which confirmed even more that he was really still with us.

      He told us he was at the Butterfly Pavilion with us over the past weekend. He even laughed and brought up that when I hear a bird outside, I’ll say hello to him because I feel that it’s George saying hello to me!

      George reminded my daughter of how he had taught her to ride a bike. He told her to keep an eye out for butterflies, because it was her father saying hello. Now, it’s amazing to watch my daughter ride her bike up and down the street with butterflies following her!

      Anthony also mentioned the watch and asked why it was stopped at 4:00. I couldn’t believe he had mentioned it, because I didn’t even bring it with me!

      I was overwhelmed with relief after our meeting. Just to know he was still alive, not sick nor in pain anymore! He was just fine! Of course, the grief still crept in from time to time. The guilt of how our lives played out and his love for me, even after the divorce, kept haunting me.

      A second visit to Anthony did much to heal my wounds. George was right there again to insist that he was still with us and loved us and will always be there to help. He even brought my grandfather with him this time. George and my grandfather, also named George, got along quite well. They had a deep respect for one another. George mentioned him often after my grandfather died, not so many years ago, especially since my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer and our George’s condition was very similar. George often thought of my grandfather during his own illness. I think it is wonderful they are together now in the same place.

      Then Anthony told me my grandfather wants me to say hello to his wife, “Um, Myrtle, like turtle?” I couldn’t believe he [Anthony] said my grandmother’s name! There is no way he could just pull a name like “Myrtle” out of the air like that!

      This visit proved even further that there really is life after death. No longer will I fear death.

      George restored my belief in God, the “Powers that Be,” or a “Life Source!” No longer will I live in fear of a God who doesn’t accept us for who we are. George’s passing simply led to his rebirth into a new life!

      Just days before he passed away, George mentioned to me two things he feared. One was that the world would go on as if he had never even been there. The second was that he would be forgotten. My life and my children’s lives will certainly never be the same without him, and he knows for sure that he could never, ever be forgotten.

      My healing has begun. I go back from time to time to listen to the recordings of the meetings with George through Anthony. I can’t speak for the validity of all mediums, but Anthony has more than proven he is the real deal. I know I can never repay him for what he has done for us. This gift is truly priceless.

       Donna Lacey

      I didn’t choose to do this work. It chose me.

      I’m originally from Guam, a tiny island in the South Pacific. Joey, a friend of mine who is also from Guam, told me, “When you said to me that you talk to dead people for a living, I didn’t doubt you for a moment. Do you know why?”

      I was actually stunned when he said that. “I don’t have a clue,” I said. “Why?”

      “No one from our culture, who’s in his right mind, would ever make such a claim!” he answered.


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