Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies. Elaine Hruska

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Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies - Elaine Hruska

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aching muscles, scratches, sores, or illnesses deemed too minor to warrant a physician’s office visit—not realizing that in many cases some of these remedies can be found in the home cupboard, kitchen pantry, or closet, within easy access to us. Such is the case with a number of the recommended treatments in the readings of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), considered to be America’s best-documented psychic. Cayce left over 9,000 individual health readings (out of more than 14,000) that continue to be studied and analyzed for their useful information on various illnesses.

      This book is an attempt to present some of these home remedies in an easy-to-use format, introducing the reader to the individual item while noting the symptoms for each one (indications) and also the contraindications (if any). The text will present the various treatments (as given in the readings) and how often, how long, and how much to use, as well as the expected effects or results. Directions are included along with selected excerpts from the readings and some testimonials from individuals who used the remedy.

      For individuals new to or unfamiliar with the Cayce readings, it is helpful to note that the language of the readings is at times challenging to comprehend; this difficulty seems to be particularly true with the physical readings. Cayce’s explanation of health and his descriptions of the workings of the physical body encompass a holistic approach. Additionally, he often seems to use anatomical terms in a somewhat different way from current usage. To a large extent throughout the book, this language, at times paraphrased, is used in the descriptions of the information presented in these chapters. (See also A Note to the Reader for an explanation of the reading numbers and other designations from the readings.) Though the excerpts may require several re-reads to grasp their meaning, the effort to comprehend them is worth the struggle as new insights are born and fresh perspectives are challenged. It is hoped that what is presented here is useful and beneficial, contributing greatly to your overall health and wellness.

      A Note to the Reader: The number following the excerpt represents the recipient of the reading—each individual was assigned a number to provide anonymity. The first set of numbers refers to the individual or group who received the reading; the second set represents its place in a sequence. For example, in reading 294-3, “294” stands for the person’s name, while “-3” represents the third reading given for that individual.

      When the readings were computerized, the body of the reading was referred to as the “text.” Any notes, letters, background information, related articles, etc., were also placed alongside the text of the reading. Stylistically, “B” means background and “R” means reports. To locate this information more easily, these letters were used. For example, “202-1, Report #5” means that in reading 202-1, under reports (R), item number 5, can be found that particular quote or information.

      It is important to remember that the readings were given for individuals even though they carry a universality of content. With the physical readings, however, it should be noted that the information is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Any medical problems need the supervision and advice of a health care professional.

      Apple Cider Vinegar (and Salt) Pack

      A pack is any type of wrapping such as a blanket, sheet, or towel—wet or dry or hot or cold—placed around the whole person or a limb, or it may be a simple compress applied to a body area. Because of the addition of apple cider vinegar (and/or salt) to the compress, this pack is technically a stupe.

      For this remedy there are several types of application. Pour the vinegar by itself onto a towel and place it on the skin. Or you may add salt to this compress. Or make a paste by dampening the salt with the vinegar and massaging it into the area. Or create a salt pack, using a pillow; heat the salt and pour it into the pillow, then place it, like a heating pad, onto the vinegar-soaked towel. Sometimes vinegar is also added to dampen the salt in the pillow. (See Directions for more detailed instructions.)

      What are the effects of the salt and vinegar combination? “ . . . The reaction of this acid with the sodium chloride is to produce to the system a drawing from the glands and from the soft tissue of the body those poisons in the form of a perspiration . . . ” (829-1) Accordingly, a detoxifying effect is produced in the body by this application.

      Vinegar, a beloved staple domestic item, was used as an antibiotic and antiseptic in ancient times by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. It can be found in approximately ninety-eight percent of American homes, mainly in the form of distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. If produced from whole, good-quality apples not treated with toxic chemicals, the vinegar contains healthy enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

      The Cayce readings mention apple cider vinegar (frequently named “apple vinegar”) in over one hundred documents, recommending it as an application for local massages and packs (usually combined with salt), for sunburn, in baths, and as an ingredient in a hair rinse (one reading).


      Adhesions, arthritis, broken bones, bruised tendons, cartilage misalignment, colitis, fingernails, fractures, injuries, joint pain, lesions, lumbago, neuritis, pelvic cellulitis, rheumatism, spinal misalignments, sprains, strains, sunburn, torn ligaments, tuberculosis (bone), vulvitis


      Check for skin sensitivity to vinegar by applying a small amount to an area of skin; wait a few minutes for any reaction such as a rash or redness; do not use if a reaction occurs.


      Apple cider vinegar—organic, if available [“ . . . not that which is synthetically made . . . ” (404-14)]

      One or two pillowcases—if making a salt pack

      Several towels or washcloths—to use as compresses for the vinegar Table salt (or sea salt or kosher salt)

      Basin, large bowl, or container—to pour the apple cider vinegar into and dip towels in to wring out

      Plastic sheet or heavy, large towel (optional)—to place under the limb being treated to protect the sheets

      Electric heating pad (optional)—to maintain the heat Solution of baking soda and water; grain alcohol—to cleanse the area after the pack is removed


      Once or twice a day (as a massage), 1 hour 2 to 3 times daily, daily for 3 weeks, every other day, every 3 to 5 days, 2 to 3 times weekly


      Ten to 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, until condition is relieved, several weeks, 3 to 5 weeks


      Abdomen, across lumbar, along sciatic nerve, along spine, ankles, areas of acute conditions, areas of distress, between shoulders, elbows, fingernails, feet, hands, hips, knees, joints, painful areas, sternum, wrist


      After abrasions have healed; after removal of bandage, brace, or cast; evenings before retiring; prior to adjustments


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