Saffron Jack. Rishi Dastidar

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Saffron Jack - Rishi Dastidar

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is only being held by a few pieces of tape and string.

      7.2. Though someone comes along one day, and says,

      7.2.1. ‘Look, look, I can see some rust!’

      8. And then it is all over.

      9. Not immediately.

      10. You keep the motions of the pretence up.

      10.1. Blinding the rust-spotters, the string-cutters, the tape-slicers.

      10.2. Silencing those who say the rust-spotters, the string-cutters, the tape-slicers should have their say, and keep saying it.

      10.3. Imprisoning those who say that the advice is not bad and should be listened to.

      10.4. Sending into exile those who suggest you need new advisers –

      10.4.1. advisers who should look like, sound like, the people suggesting you need new advisers.

      11. Dismissing and diminishing until the only evidence you are actually who you say you are is a piece of tarnished metal.

      12. And your unshakeable belief in the purity of your bloodline.

      12.1. However diluted it might be.

      13. By then, no doubt, the wars have started.

      13.1. Because you have given enough hostages to fortune, caused enough noses to be broken out of joint.

      13.1.1. Made sure enough interests are not vested.

      13.2. Sure, it is dressed up as something patriotic, noble, for country and ‘crown’ –

      13.2.1. whatever that is.

      13.3. A naked attempt to try and preserve something nebulous.

      13.4. The moment you cannot guarantee status, for you and all your people, you are done.

      13.4.1. You.

      13.4.2. Are.

      13.4.3. Done.

      13.5. And you have made sure you cannot.

      13.6. Because you cannot take a decision without pissing someone off.

      14. A grudge, always against you.

      14.1. A grudge, with easy access to a caché of weapons.

      14.1.1. Better than yours.

      14.2. The claque you were relying on for your guns and bodies are those now in front of you.

      14.2.1. Surrounding you.

      15. You are a king. Until someone points a gun at you.

      15.1. Majesty disappears like dew in the morning when confronted with an AK-47.

      16. It is not that you set out to become one. This.

      16.1. Become this.

      16.2. It just happened.

      16.3. And you are most comfortable being it. Wearing these clothes.

      16.4. Who hasn’t put on a toy crown, and wished it real?

      17. You tried being different types of leader.

      17.1. A director. Then a managing one.

      17.2. You got the corporate vogue.

      17.3. Chief Executive Officer.

      17.4. Thrusting. Heft. Modern.

      17.4.1. Big.

      17.4.2. Big initials. Big balls.

      18. But you tired of fronting a corporation. You grandeur more than that.

      18.1. So a First Minister. Then a Prime Minister.

      18.1.1. Primus inter pares.

      18.2. Even a President, for a bit – why not?

      18.3. You weren’t wedded to any idea of how you should rule.

      18.3.1. Just that you should.

      19. It could have been through other means. Other people.

      19.1. As long as you were the other person who mattered more, mattered most.

      19.2. Who lied to themselves better than anyone else.

      20. You should have gone for a cult of personality.

      20.1. Some extreme narcissism to go with your incipient megalomania.

      20.2. But you don’t look good in bronze or stone.

      20.2.1. No profile for statuary. Do not have the cheekbones.

      21. It was never actually about the spoils.

      21.1. How can it be, when you start your own country from scratch?

      21.1.1. Your own imagined country.

      21.2. No ill-gotten loot that needed laundering.

      21.3. Or independent means that needed frittering.

      21.3.1. No pissing off mummy and the trustees.

      22. There is not much money in this business, not outside the key markets.

      22.1. The ones with lots of loyal subjects, who look at you with adoring eyes whenever you pass them in the street, all stretched out in your national champion limo –

      22.1.1. You could never commit such a faux pas as to be driven around in your real ride, because it comes from Wolfsburg or Turin or Mumbai.

      22.1.2. Not where you are. Where these goofs live, the credulous live.

      22.1.3. These places where they are happy to be ‘subjects’. And they don’t have the wit to realise that it means to be ‘subjugated’ too.

      23. You do not get into the kingship racket to make a fast buck.

      23.1. There are better ways to make some money –

      23.1.1. or a living or to stay alive.

      24. This one gave you a lot of freedom –

      24.1. at the expense of other people

      24.1.1. sorry, subjects


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