The Unmapped Woman. Abegail Morley

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The Unmapped Woman - Abegail Morley

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      It’s not until each candle is snuffed, shrugs off

      its stuttering light so spirals of smoke thin upwards

      that the wreck of embers finally closes its eyes.

      She pinches a hushed, warm stump between thumb

      and wet finger, hears it wince like a swallowed tongue ‒

      its silty phrase sticking to her fingertips. She wipes

      two soot lines across each cheek as if arming herself

      for battle and in the blackout fidgets in a high-backed chair

      until stars shift above tree tops, lose themselves.

      There’s no squeal of hinges, slammed front door,

      trampled feet across lino ‒ just the back of a hand

      ghosting from shadows as if sky suddenly fell.

      Today voices riddle like woodworm, each larva

      gleams, stretches to a long vowel that sounds

      like whisky tumbling into a glass, the empty echo

      of a spanner dropped in a cold garage.

      She watches the window: the glass, not the view ‒

      knows crossing beyond it is out of the question.


      We all start in water ‒ endure its fullness,

      bellies hoarding each molecule,

      the swell of its ocean windblown

      for a thousand miles.

      So when her tide breaks,

      she’s hauled from

      the house with the knowledge

      she’s rupturing.

      I brim mid-stride

      on the uneven pavement, split our blood

      for the first time. She watches me

      glisten across tarmac,

      takes her fulsome weight from the kerb

      to the taxi, hopes to replenish

      us both with a sack full of saline,


      she’s not the right one

      to receive the cuckoo-baby nestling

      in the thud of her pelvic bones.


      You thicken in me in the hottest June for years.

      A soft fist smudges the wall of my womb and at night,

      when it is already too hot to sleep, I watch your

      elbow soar like a sail and imagine you journeying

      upstream, skin pinking at a confluence of rivers,

      body uncertain, smirching the bank. You’re waiting

      for liberation, foetus shaping in liquid until you

      come adrift on a crib-shaped island with the map

      of life crumpled in the tiniest palm I can imagine.

      I see you unroll its tide-worn edges years later,

      when you’ve waded with my handmade limbs

      through life’s inky waters. I picture you with my

      youthful face and in early morning light, hear

      for the first time how you pronounce your name.


      Today my face revolves to a full moon on the scan.

      You stroke the weight of me and I know you need two

      hands now just to gather me in. I sense the thrum

      of your voice oscillate through muscle and roar like a river

      at its mouth, ready for the swell. I want you to hear me.

      I don’t yet know there’s only two months left with you,

      I don’t know it is not a love that lasts a lifetime.

      Or a shared one. I hear that voice of yours

      in my underworld through all your sleepless nights

      and don’t know that all the things you say aren’t just to me.

      I don’t yet know, nuzzled here in the very centre of you

      that I won’t hear your voice on the other side.

       Daughter bulb

      You grow in me. I call you petal

      and your name buds on my tongue at night.

      We’re spooned in sleep, skin on skin

      and I purr lullabies from sap-filled lips until

      your limbs purl like newly-woken shoots:

      fresh leaves wait for nursing, suckling.

      I name you Lily, and in the bulb of my belly

      the veins of your body knit together

      and you sleepwalk inside me,

      make tiny footprints in blurred dreams,

      trail my spine with satin feet as if you

      own each and every inch of me. I don’t know

      which one of us is the honey, which the bee,

      or who has the nectar we drink so

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