Without Precedent. Geoffrey Kirk

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Without Precedent - Geoffrey Kirk

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merit of restricting itself to censorship of the present: there have not, so far as I know, been “inclusive language” versions of Homer or Virgil, Chaucer, Shakespeare, or Wordsworth. One can imagine the outrage in academe were such projects to be set in train. But there has been hardly a murmur from the academic community against the bowdlerisation of the Psalmist and the Evangelists by otherwise reputable Christian scholars, publishers, and institutions. The chapters which follow seek to show that this insensitivity to history is not restricted to language. It extends to include anachronistic and distorting conclusions in other areas. What the cult of “Inclusive language” has achieved in the realm of textual infidelity has, in these instances, simply been continued by other means.

      2: What did Jesus Really Think about Women?

      In Gospel research certainty is a very scarce commodity floating adrift in an ocean of probabilities.

      —Geza Vermes

      Jesus was neither a misogynist nor a feminist; his interests simply lay elsewhere.

      —Judith Ochshorn

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