The Flip Side of History. Steve Silverman

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The Flip Side of History - Steve Silverman

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and that she be set free.

      In response, Judge Guerin seemed quite accepting of the decision. “In meeting the issue, I have considered my duty as a judge in deciding the matter that came before me.” He continued, “I accept the decision as final and will be guided by it in the future.”

      An editorial in the November 21, 1938, publication of the Los Angeles Times disagreed. The author wrote, in part, that “the appellate division of the local Superior Court seems rather to have missed the point.” They continued, “It was not her attire but her repeated defiance of the court which constituted the contempt.”

      “Probably most people will consider she had well earned the punishment. She is a schoolteacher and one of her functions is, or should be, to inculcate in her youthful charges a sense of discipline and respect for constituted authority, irrespective of whether or not their juvenile minds may always be in accord with rules so laid down. One wonders to what extent her own attitude and example contribute to her professional qualifications.”

      On January 17, 1939, Hulick was back in court to testify at the trial of the two accused men. This time she arrived in what was described as “a close-fitting, rust silk dress, sheer hose, high-heeled shoes and a pert up tilting hat with flowing veil.”

      “Maybe there’s something to this dressing-up business after all,” Helen told the members of the press. “Because I’ve been stepping out every night since I decided to dress like the rest of the girls.”

      January 17, 1939, image of Helen Hulick wearing a dress to court.


      In the 1870s, newspapers were the blogs of the day. Almost daily, they reported on the Wheelbarrow Man as he made his way along his journey.

      When the “Last Spike” of the First Transcontinental Railroad was driven into the ground at Promontory Point, Utah, on May 10, 1869, travel time across the United States was reduced from six months to just one week. Yet few could afford the fare—though a bench seat in third class could be obtained for as little as $65 ($1,240 today), it was still out of reach for many people. Travel by wagon was the best alternative, but travel was slow and road conditions were poor.

      One man offered up a more unique way to cross the country. His name was R. Lyman Potter, and he proposed to do so by pushing a wheelbarrow from his home in Albany, New York, all the way to San Francisco, California. A widower and father to three children, Potter was considered to be a bit of an eccentric. For example, when Ulysses S. Grant was elected president of the United States, Potter declared that he would not shave his face or cut his hair until a Democrat was elected into office. In keeping his word, he allowed his dark brown hair to extend below his shoulders and his beard to grow nearly equal in length.

      Potter described how the idea to push a wheelbarrow across the country came about: “Waal, it all came from too damn much talk. We wus talkin’ about work and earnin’ money, and hard times, etc., and I said I’d wheel a wheelbarrow to San Francisco for a dollar a day rather’n be without work. The Albany fellows took me up and made up $1,000 [$26,300 today], which is now on deposit in Albany. I had nothin’ to do and as I wouldn’t back down, I started out and here I am.”

      The rules set down were straightforward: Potter was to trundle his wheelbarrow 4,085 miles (6,574 km) from Albany to San Francisco within 215 working days. They stipulated that he could not travel on Sundays, nor could he take advantage of any other form of transportation to help him along the way.

      Potter’s wheelbarrow was constructed especially for the trip. It differed little from the typical wheelbarrow of the day—wooden wheel and all—except that his was lighter in design and carried a wooden box atop its frame.

      At 3:00 p.m. on April 10, 1878, thirty-seven-year-old Potter began his long trek in the pouring rain. He had just $3.55 ($93.00 today) in his pocket. Potter carried minimal supplies with him: a rubber coat, a change of underwear, camping supplies, and some medications for his feet.

      It’s about a fifteen-minute drive from my house to downtown Albany, so I went in search of his exact starting point, which at the time was widely reported to have been the corner of Warren and Swan Streets. This proved to be impossible, as those two streets have never intersected. What is also unclear is how he, an upholsterer, was financially able to leave his family behind for the many months that this walk was anticipated to take.

      At the end of his first day, Potter had walked 16 miles (26 km) to Schenectady, New York. He was described as being “footsore, wet, and tired, and somewhat dispirited.” Yet, despite the rain, he continued on his way. On the morning of April 15, he entered Utica, New York, completing a total distance of 90 miles (145 km).

      The press was starting to take notice of his endeavor, but not in a good way. At various times along his journey, newspapers referred to him as a tramp, an idiot, a brainless fool, and as the “wheelbarrow lunatic.” This ridicule infuriated Potter and made him even more determined to make it to his final destination.

      Lettering on the sides of his wheelbarrow announced his intentions as he entered each town along the way. “From Albany to San Francisco in 250 days! Sundays out—Started April 10, 1878—Time by R. L. Potter, 215!”

      By the time he reached Buffalo, New York, on April 26, he had become a bit of a minor celebrity. A small crowd followed him as he traveled through the city. The press reported on where he ate breakfast, and that he’d made a stop at the post office to see if any mail addressed to him had arrived.

      Soon, he was on his way again. From Buffalo, he traveled along the southern shore of Lake Erie. His passage through Pennsylvania was brief, with a cursory mention in the press that he had stopped in Erie. He soon crossed into Ohio and headed for Cleveland.

      Up until this point, his travel had been along the turnpikes, which hardly resemble the paved roads of today. As he headed farther west and the population dwindled, he would be forced to walk along passageways that barely qualified as roads. When even those passageways were unavailable, Potter traveled along railbeds that greatly hindered his ability to smoothly push his wheelbarrow.

      It would have been very easy for Potter to cheat, so he documented his travels by having people write in a book that he carried with him. One entry read, “I saw Mr. R. Lyman Potter at Monroeville, O. I left town about five or eight minutes after Mr. Potter started and trotted one mile and a half before I overtook him. I rode aside him for four and a half miles, and found it quite difficult to keep up with him without trotting. I have a fast walking mare. Mr. Potter is a very sociable man and seems to be a very good man. He stayed at my house the night of the 13th of May. Wm. T Marion, Providence, Lucas County, Ohio.”

      As he traveled, his story was picked up by newspapers nationwide, and Potter capitalized on his newfound fame. Businesses paid him to advertise on signs affixed to the sides of his wheelbarrow. Others were willing to pay for his food and lodging. He even acted as a mailman, charging for each letter that he delivered. “Every one [sic] on the road was very kind to me, and would not, many times, take any money from me. I took letters to deliver on my way at two bits each, and got quite a mail-bag.”

      Approximate route that R. Lyman Potter would take from Albany, NY (1) to

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