Pig Park. Claudia Guadalupe Martinez

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Pig Park - Claudia Guadalupe Martinez

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I said.

      Colonel Franco grabbed his clipboard from the top of his desk. He rapped the wall with it. “Let’s not argue, girls. Let’s focus on moving forward here. Work on your letters. I’ll be back in a bit.”

      Colonel Franco returned after a few hours and announced that we were done for the day. I stood up and stretched. “I unloaded ten bags of flour this morning, and I feel great,” I said as loud as I could.

      “Man, my muscles are bigger than Marcos’ now. I’m stronger than any of these boys,” Josefina played along. Obviously. I’d seen her brother lately.

      Colonel Franco didn’t even look our way. He kept his eyes on the stack of papers on his desk. We were going to have to try harder.

      “We need to come up with a better plan,” I said to Josefina as we walked home.

      “You’re right,” she said. “We’ll think of something. We’ll get it right. He can’t ignore us forever. Don’t worry.”

      Chapter 10

Chapter 10

      Josefina stumbled into me. “Watch it,” I said. We stood at the south edge of the park and stared. Colonel Franco and four men in matching Johnson Construction company T-shirts gathered around a crane and a flatbed truck.

      Peregrino’s donors hadn’t wasted any time.

      “You girls stand back,” Colonel Franco yelled at us. He made a sweeping motion with his hands.

      “We just can’t catch a break,” Josefina said.

      “He didn’t say to go back to the basement,” I said. Josefina smiled. “Do you think that boy will show up here?”

      “Anything is possible,” she said.

      We walked a few feet back. We stopped just short of the sidewalk and gawked. Colonel Franco pulled a roll of paper from his cargo pants. He flattened it against the door of the truck. He pointed to the paper and gestured toward the taped-up area. The workers watched and listened. They blotted sweat beads off their bearded faces with their T-shirts though it wasn’t even nine in the morning yet.

      One of them grabbed hold of the crane’s side view mirror and pulled himself into the driver’s seat. He pulled a red handkerchief from his pocket and tied it around his head. “My mom wears one of those to cover her hair when she dusts and sometimes when she mops. Hers is pink.” Josefina giggled.

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