The Reluctant Savior. Krystan

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The Reluctant Savior - Krystan

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brain implies death of consciousness; the curtain goes down forever.4

      “What Dossey believes, as do I, is that the brain, rather than producing the mind, interacts with it. A second quote I wrote down from Grosso’s book “Soulmaking” is an analogy from electronics.”

      A crude analogy with radio and radio waves: the radio does not produce the radio waves; it detects, transmits and filters them. If your radio breaks down, it doesn’t follow that the sounds you’re listening to cease to exist. They just cease to be detectable. An analogy is possible between this and the mind-brain relationship.5

      “Yeah, I think Dossey referred to Michael Grosso in his book too. It’s very cool that a doctor is as open-minded as he seems to be. He’s really serious about it too. I dog-eared page 33, which had this statement on it. Listen to this.”

      I believe non-locality is one of the most important discoveries humans have ever made. This concept distinguishes the science of the twentieth century from all the science that came before.6

      “That’s powerful stuff, Jules! And you were right on, buddy—it does blow me away! This Era III medicine of his adds a whole new dimension to my future role as a physician. It doesn’t replace the mechanistic model of Era I or the psychosomatic model of Era II, but expands their scope. I liked his conclusion that a physician using nonlocal mind AND logic will be more effective than one who uses either alone. You know, when we recognize consciousness as primary, unconfined to the physical body, infinite, and beyond space and time, that opens whole new avenues of healing and of our very concept of death itself. It’s like everything is for us and nothing is against us! There are vast resources available to us that science has never even been aware of before, and beyond that, there really isn’t any death, other than the finiteness of the physical body. I think it’s going to be a really incredible time to be practicing medicine, don’t you, Jules?”

      “I think it’s an incredible time to be alive, period!” Julian replied without hesitation. “You know, Dossey’s Golden Rule of Era III Medicine, ‘Do good unto others because they ARE you,’7 could really transform the planet. I think these sorts of ideas are heralding an upcoming quantum leap forward for our entire civilization. Like I told Ry a couple of months ago at the library, I think the vibrational level of the whole planet is about to increase, bringing us to new levels of awareness and healing. I’m really glad you picked up that book, Ben!”

      “Yeah, me too. Just a quirk of fate, really. There was this girl, Mariah something-or-other, daughter of some hot-shot scientist at PSU, I think, that gave a lecture on quantum physics in our biochemistry class the other day. She recommended it, and I went over to the PSU bookstore and picked up a copy. Would never have even heard of it otherwise.”

      “Was that girl’s last name Quitan, by any chance?” Julian asked, looking a bit surprised.

      “You know, I think it might have been…father’s name started with an M too—Mazen Quitan, yeah, that’s it! Why?”

      “Dude, where have you been? Don’t you remember all that stuff in the paper about skinheads burning their home and attempting to rape the girl? An anti-Muslim sort of thing. Lawyers had fun with that one—and THEN, after her lawyer won the case and the creeps were going to jail where they belong, she dropped the charges before the judge sentenced them. I can’t believe you don’t remember all that!”

      “Oh, it’s not that unusual,” Ben replied. “I have no TV and almost never read the paper. A whole lot of things happen that I never know anything about. Too busy with med school to be dragged down with all that crap.”

      “Well, that young lady turned you on to a book that may well change your entire career. And how weird is this? I’m reading “The Quantum Universe,” written by none other than the father, Mazen Quitan!”

      “Wow, that is weird,” Ben agreed. “So what happened to the thugs she liberated?”

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