Alabaster. Nancy Pietsch

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Alabaster - Nancy Pietsch

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       Signs of Life

       Happy Birthday to Me

       To Boring

       The Rearranger

       When I’m Gone

       The Carpenter

       What Was It?

       Stand Back

       In a Word



      The Rainbow

      See what political correctness

      Is causing us to do

      If you want to describe the sky

      You wouldn’t dare, call the sky blue

      Let’s take a look at the lawn

      How would you describe the grass

      You wouldn’t dare, call it green

      Without appearing biased or crass

      What about the sun in the sky

      How would you describe what you see

      You wouldn’t dare, call the sun yellow

      Without causing an uproar and controversy

      Look at the earth that is walked on

      How would you describe the dirt

      You wouldn’t dare, call the dirt black

      Without worry of causing some hurt

      Well, look at the beautiful rainbow

      How would you describe the colors within

      It’s a mixture of hues that are blended

      Describing it in colors is just not a sin

      So the people of the world are different

      Our skin is an example of such

      Our hues and colors are blended

      We are the rainbow because of God’s touch

      The Wildwood

      Out in the wildwood, it was rumored

      Was a woman who would come and would go

      Folklore had it, she was there in the spring

      But gone at winter’s first snow

      There was a tale, passed down through the ages

      Of this woman who lived on her own

      In a shack that stood in a clearing

      Belladonna was how she was known

      The few who had seen her never approached

      They had been warned, they didn’t dare

      They described her beauty likened to a flower

      With long shining black hair

      A boy who was lost had ventured to close

      Was overcome by her beauty and powers

      She bade him bring, the shining black berries

      From the reddish, bell-shaped flowers

      He was starving, he picked them with care

      She thus proceeded to bake him a pie

      After he ate it, he gave her a smile

      He closed his eyes then breathed a sigh

      The townspeople found him under fresh fallen snow

      His mouth stained berry black, then they prayed

      Because the only thing found in the clearing was

      The frozen plant known as the deadly nightshade


      It started very simply

      The lure of things from long ago

      A memory of childhood’s gone

      Something to be proud of, something to show

      We called them collections back then

      We hunted all the sales

      Bringing our prizes home

      Putting up shelves with all our nails

      If we had time and money

      We’d make a day of our bargain search

      Racing from location to location

      Some of our best finds were at the church

      Many of the vases were of value

      Worth more, but we paid less

      On the ride home, some were broken

      We glued them together, I must confess

      The problems started early on

      When one of a kind was not enough

      We had to have everyone

      Then the addiction became real tough

      I collected

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