A Life Interrupted. John Samoles

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A Life Interrupted - John Samoles

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style="font-size:15px;">      As far as the extra services team, things were moving along pretty well for the first ten months or so. After a while I started to get bored with what was going on around me, at which time I hooked up with a guy called Roger Harris, and we started to go off the complex and into town; then we decided to rent off post in a trailer park. It was about $160 a month, something like that.

      We always had a great time together whenever we hung out, which was a good time, with a lot of things to do. Anyway, we had met many girls/women and started to date a few of them here and there so much later on, two to three months later. Then me and Harris got into a jam, where Harris got into a fight with this guy who was driving a mustang, so he kicked the guy’s ass and took his car for a ride. Anyway, I was going on leave on Monday for two weeks, so everything was okay to me right now; however, Harris wanted to head to New Jersey with me in this stolen car, so I told him, “Let’s go.” We went back to the trailer, packed our shit, and headed to New Jersey. Anyway, once we got to New Jersey, Mom let Harris stay with us for a day or two. After a two-day stint with Harris, I told him I would see him at a later date. He needed to head out, so he took the car and left. I never saw him again. After my leave was over, I hopped back on a plane and went back to Fort Carson, Colorado.

      After getting back to the Army base, I had to go to the fucken trailer and clean all my shit out of there because I was not going to pay $160 a month on my own. Anyway, I got the hell out of that trailer, but I did enjoy the town of Colorado Springs. So, anyway, I met a girl named Silva whom I really liked and went out with her for a long time. We would go into the mountains on the weekends and drink, as well as just hanging out with friends and just shoot the shit. We really liked hanging out in the mountains. We really liked each other and started a very good relationship with the both of us falling for each other. I called my Mom and told her about my relationship with this girl. She told me to have a great time and try to move slowly if that was any possibility. I told her I would try; however, I was not sure but would keep her in the loop as always. Moving forward, Silva and I did enjoy the mountain air and to see everything that was surrounding Colorado Springs, such as Norad, the government’s escape plan and so much more that could be seen from these mountaintops.

      After I left the Army, I moved out to California with Silva and stayed at her older sister’s home in Glendale, California. I was looking for a while to find a job and then finally landed one with this landscaping company that I did not really like due to the fact that I was working unbelievable hours for minimal pay. Silva immediately got a nice job at a bank downtown, and we were trying to make it work; however, I knew I could do much better back home and had a conversation with Silva, and we decided to go back to New Jersey and stay with my parents until we got on our feet.

      I went to see Mayor Gerald Calibrese from Cliffside Park, and he threw out three jobs for me to choose from, which I did pick one—an operator working on a rotating shift. Every three weeks the shift would change. I took it because of the amount of time off that I could have; and Silva again landed a job right away, working for an oriental company, making china, which was a very good job for her, and I believed she liked it as well.

      Living in the basement in my parent’s home, we were making the most of it. I was working the weekend shift, and when I got home, I found Silva crying her eyes out due to my piece-of-shit older brother telling her that my parents wanted her to leave, which she did, and my life was devastated. Silva at that time was several months pregnant, and there was no way we could afford to live in New Jersey, so she went back out to California, and I stayed home in my shitty environment, just trying to adjust to my new miserable life, which I would never forgive my scumbag brother, Joe, for involving himself for no fucking reason. Loudmouth, interfering piece of shit!

      I started to drink heavy by myself, then I hooked up with Joe Monaco who was a heavy drinker as well. We would go out every night I was off and drink like to drunken bastards. We would take rides everywhere to get drinks; meaning we would go to upstate New York, as well as take rides to Columbus, Ohio, to just get lit up drinking. So, anyway, me, Joe, and two other guys took a ride to the Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana, just to get completely drunk. We had a good drunken time in New Orleans.

      One day me, Joey, and Joe Coulard went up to Englewood Cliffs with a cooler full of beer and were looking over this small stream of water running through the mountain. Coulard threw an empty beer can, and it got stuck against a rock pile in the stream, and Monaco said he would go and set the beer can free, which I told Joey, “Who gives a fuck? Just let the can sit there.”

      Joey got up and over the balcony that kept everything separated, then he slipped and started falling down the fucking mountain, then his head hit a big rock sitting in the stream. So I got down to Joey, who had woken up at that time, and brought him up to where we started and then down to my car and off to the hospital ’cause I knew how bad Joey was. When we got to the hospital, I called Joey’s father and let him know what had happened. Him and his wife got to the hospital very quickly, and I let them know what had happened. They were messed up with it, but they said that was what could happen when you drank like that.

      Anyway, back at my home in Beachwood—a house my mom bought with her drunken husband, which I would live there for a while, helping Mom out with bills and other shit from time to time. So, anyway, I was on the rotating shift at the state job, working from 2:00 to 10:00 PM. I would come home after getting up there at around 10:00 AM each day—trying to make additional money, doing all kinds of shit, chasing down Jimmy’s guys who owed him for gambling collections, or whatever I needed to do.

      When I got home each night around 11:00 PM, I would sit in my recliner and go over to my small fridge to grab a beer that I always keep full of beers. I went to grab one, except the fridge was empty because my scumbag brother, Mike, would drink all my shit and then lock his fucking door like a real pussy, then the piece of shit got his gun license and bought more guns and ammo then a fucking small army just to try to scare me with his bullshit, which I told that motherfucker one day, “I am going to stick one of those fucking guns up in your ass!”

      After several months of feeling completely fucked up and speaking with Silva, she decided to put the baby up for adoption to her older sister, Venike, and her husband—I cannot remember which. I signed the documentation when Silva sent it to me. It did take me a while to finally sign off on it; however, Silva made me feel very sure that she would always be on the lookout if anything would go wrong. It really made me feel a little human again.

      At some point, in I believe it was 2007, I received a phone call at the office. It was Silva on the line, which I felt very weird about. Anyway, she started to tell me about our daughter, Tiffany. As I was speaking to Silva, out of the corner of my eye I could see my fucking brother, Dan, watching me very weirdly. I had an issue right then and there that him and his whore wife contacted Silva and set this whole ball in motion. There is nothing that makes any sense about this call from Silva, Anyway, I proceeded with the call and made arrangements to fly out to California to meet with my twenty-nine-year-old daughter this coming weekend.

      So the weekend was approaching, and I had a conversation with Jill to tell her what I would be doing this weekend. It was a great conversation I had with Jill, talking about Tiffany, so off to California I went. I got to Newark Airport Saturday morning and flew out to Los Angeles and was met at the airport by Tiffany and her then-boyfriend, a young man studying to become a doctor.

      Anyway, we go out to a small lunch at a place called My Burger or something like that, then they dropped me off at my hotel, and we set a time for them to pick me up the next morning. When they picked me up, we went to Tiffany’s school so I could see what she had been working on while in college. It was stem cell research, which really impressed me. So then we left, and I took them both out to a very nice restaurant where we had supper, and they dropped me off at my hotel. At my hotel I just had a very weird feeling about Tiffany, so I had quite a few drinks just trying to put this issue in its proper place. The next morning came, and they picked me up and dropped me off at the LA airport,

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