Soul Song. Shawna Bennett

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Soul Song - Shawna Bennett

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its power.

      “I attended school and went to college and never went on a single date. I watched as the girls around me fell in and out of love constantly. Boys would flock to me and exclaim they loved me, not because they truly did, but because I made them feel something.

      “Love used to be a more sacred thing. Sonnets were written about it and entire wars were waged over it. History is full of great love stories. I am destined to have a great and powerful love. So to answer your question, I am not bothered by the fact that I will know perfect love. I am honored by it,” she said, and Hunter lowered her eyes. She had meant to make Sawyer feel stupid, and instead, she did. She thought back to how many times she had said the words to different guys.

      “Wait! Are you serious that you have never been on a date before? Aren’t you worried you’re going to feel awkward when you connect with your soul mate?” Brexley exclaimed.

      “No, I have never been on a date, and no, I’m not worried. I don’t feel like I need to practice,” Sawyer answered.

      “You might regret that. Men are complicated and can be hard to read,” Brexley said seriously.

      “I think I’m going to be all right,” Sawyer said, amused by her silly concern.

      “So how does this work? Are we all supposed to sit around for the next couple of months and get to know each other?” Hunter was losing patience with how Brexley was warming to Sawyer.

      “Actually, Hunter, no offense, but I’m not here to get to know you. I’m here to get to know these four men. It would be wonderful if we become friends and get to know one another, but it is not my priority. I will spend an hour with each of them every day until my soul sing,” she answered.

      “Will you be coming to our bedrooms or someplace more public?” leered Liam and gave her what he thought was his playful look.

      Julius and Marcus shot him a disgusted look across the table.

      “Would you like me to come to your room and spend some time alone?” asked Julius menacingly.

      “I would be glad to join him, maybe we can teach you how to properly talk to a lady,” Marcus said, and Sawyer could tell the brothers were not joking.

      She intervened before Liam could rise from his seat. “I have picked an activity for each of us to do daily that we have in common. We can always change it later in the week if you want, but it’s a good starting point.”

      “What are your plans for Liam?” Hunter asked.

      She looked at Hunter and Liam. “Liam and I will be going riding in the mornings. I have a full stable, and your breeding should have included riding lessons.”

      “I’m impressed, sounds like you did your homework. That sounds fine,” he answered.

      She turned to Lucas. “Astrid told me you are something of a musician and so I thought we can meet in the music room right after lunch. If that’s okay?” she asked.

      Lucas nodded his head. “Actually, that sounds great.”

      She turned to Marcus and said, “For our time together, I thought the library would be a wonderful place to start. I love history, and I’m told you have been in some of the most famous battles in history. I also hear you are a fair chess player, and I have been looking for a worthy opponent.”

      He smiled, knowing she had just played to his ego but didn’t care.

      “That sounds like a challenge, and I gladly accept.”

      “Wonderful, then I will meet you there daily at 2:00 p.m.,” she said, and he nodded with enthusiasm.

      “Last but never least, Julius. I was wondering if you would accompany me in the early evening as I walk in the garden. It is my nightly activity, and I thought you might enjoy getting away from the house. You don’t strike me as the type of man who likes to be cooped up,” she asked.

      He looked at her for a long moment. She was right; he dreaded the next two months, and he was waiting to see what pointless activity she had come up with for him. She had picked one of the few things he would have agreed to.

      “That sounds fine.”

      “Wonderful, then I shall meet you at the stairs at 6:00 p.m.”

      She then addressed the group again.

      “This time we spent is meant for us to get to know one another. I want to know the real person each of you are, and I hope that we can create a friendship on being ourselves. We are not here to fall in love, so please, if any of you are feeling that pressure, then rest assured it is not what we are doing. I look forward to getting to know each of you. Ladies, this house has every activity you could wish for. There is a movie theater, bowling alley, indoor pool, and outdoor pool. Please use anything you want and have fun. Don’t be afraid to request anything you need from the staff, they are here to accommodate you.”

      “Do you have a car here we can use?” asked Liam.

      “Yes, just ask the staff and a car will be brought up for you. You are not prisoners here, you may come and go as you please. I just ask for the respect of keeping your time with me,” she answered.

      “Does the staff realize what we are?” asked Cassia curiously.

      “Yes, the staff has been with this family for centuries and have seen all manner of things. They stay with us from generation to generation. Mother protects them, and if you find yourself hungry, I ask you do not touch the staff. We have a nourishment if you need it, and I ask that if it’s only the thrill of the hunt you seek, then go to the city. Besides, I’m sure you have noticed you can’t smell their blood or hear their heartbeats. You couldn’t get to them before me, so no point in trying,” she warned.

      “Does this Mother person protect you too?” asked Hunter.

      Sawyer laughed at this. “Obviously, Hunter, you don’t understand the extent of my power. I need no protection.”

      Once again Hunter felt stupid. She had meant to send a veiled threat to Sawyer but ended up sounding dumb. She was really starting to dislike her.

      Liam could sense it was starting to go sideways for Hunter, and he knew her temper. He put a hand on her arm and said, “Well, maybe it’s time we all retire for the evening.”

      Lucas, who knew that Hunter was getting angry, agreed with his brother. They needed to get her out of there before she got started.

      “Oh, I don’t know, I think it would be fun to watch your girlfriend continue to make a fool of herself, Liam,” Cassia said, baiting her.

      Hunter snapped as Cassia knew she would. “I hope it is one of your brothers! You three are heartless savages, and it would serve her right to be stuck with the three of you for centuries!” she yelled at Cassia and then turned it on Sawyer. “You can’t go around stealing people’s boyfriends and acting so innocent. I hope you get what you deserve!”

      Cassia stood and leaned across the table. “If you ever speak to me like that again, I will make sure you’re not around to see how this turns out,” she said threateningly.

      Hunter sat

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