From The Inside Looking Out. Glen Reed

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From The Inside Looking Out - Glen Reed

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The spatula was never found. This could be a devastating situation resulting in a lot of injuries to the inmates and staff if not handled quickly and properly. For example, a large pot of hot boiling water or another type of liquid thrown on someone would be serious enough to cause major burns and injuries, not to mention the possibility of scaring for the rest of the individual’s life if they survived this assault. However, most fights in the dining area were between the inmates. Fights would start due to an inmate taking food from a weaker inmate’s tray or the tremendous heat in the kitchen. It involved certain gang-related (STG, special threat groups) groups sitting together and taking food from others’ trays. Inmates were prohibited from passing food from tray to tray or give their food to another inmate, but this occurred constantly even with cameras monitoring the feeding. With only a few officers in the dining hall, it was difficult, but that was due to not having enough eyes looking to stop their manipulating tactics before they got started.

      It always amazed me that they complained about the food and the amount they received. If you were to go and visit your children or grandchildren at their local schools and see what type of meals they received, you would be devastated and shocked.

      The meals inmates receive in the prison environment are far better than what is provided for you children in the local public schools. It is a crying shame. It’s unthinkable but a fact that convicted felons are eating better and healthier than your children at school.

      What is chicken day? When the prison served chicken, they never had enough chicken to feed the entire population. They would always run out of chicken. Not enough chickens in the barn. The last dorm to eat would usually end up eating a substitute meal of beef patties or something that could be prepared quickly. The chicken thieves were out and were scouring up on every opportunity to steal the feathers right off the chicken before it was even cooked. It did not matter if you placed more staff on the yards, did more pat-down searches, or only fed a few at a time; chicken managed to get stolen all the time. I had personally found large bags of hot cooked chicken wrapped in plastic wrap inside a large garbage can. This would to be picked up later by another inmate. Chicken was a high commodity. It is an inmate treat to barter with, trade for other items, mix with ramen noodles, pay off, or used for all types of special favors.

      Chicken to an inmate is one of his greatest assets even if it cost him several days in segregation or a bloody nose. All this for a piece of yard bird! Chicken cooked or not cooked had been found wrapped up in clear plastic and hid in the ceilings of the dining facility and, yes, even in the bathroom stalls and toilets of the dorms.

      This may seem gross and sickening, but to an inmate, it was an acceptable practice and a justifiable trade-off for their own selfish reasons.

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