The Research Journal. Bassot, Barbara

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The Research Journal - Bassot, Barbara

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could help you to tackle the sense of

      inertia you might feel at the beginning of

      the process. When thinking about many

      aspects of our development, Covey (2004:

      95) encourages us to, ‘Begin with the end in

      mind’ (Habit 2). He argues that everything

      is created twice – first at the psychological

      level in our minds and then at the practical

      level in our actual experience. Having a

      personal vision for the future focusing on the

      end result or outcome is one way of helping

      us begin to see things more clearly in the

      early stages.

      At this point it is worth spending some time

      thinking about what you hope to achieve in

      the coming months as you embark upon your

      research study. Here are some questions to

      help you begin to think things through:

      • What are your long-term goals for your

      research? Imagine you are logging into

      the portal (or using whatever method you

      use) to get your results; what do you

      hope it will say?

      • What are you researching? Try and sum

      this up in a short sentence or two.

      • Why are you researching this particular

      area? Again, try and write a short summary.

      • What are you looking forward to most in

      doing your research?

      • What are the key areas where you feel you

      need to develop in the area of research?

      • What could hinder your progress? Can you

      identify any particular barriers?

      • How could you overcome these barriers to

      your development?


      Having a clear vision for your research will

      play a vital part in helping you to maintain

      a high level of motivation for your study. This

      vision will be particularly important at those

      times when you want to give up or wish it

      was all over. These feelings are common and

      are experienced by many students in your

      situation. Going back to your vision at these

      times will be particularly important as it will

      remind you why you are doing what you are

      doing, and that ultimately all the hard work

      will be worth it.

      Building on your responses to the

      questions, think about your vision for your

      research and write a statement for it. This

      should include:

      • what you are hoping to learn from

      carrying out your research;

      • why you feel it is important;

      • how it might help you in the future.

      Remember to keep your language

      concise; effective vision statements are

      memorable because they are usually

      relatively short.

      If you find it easier, why not draw a

      diagram or picture to illustrate your vision,

      or even find a photograph that could

      inspire you? You could always print it and

      put it here.

      Try this



      Theme 2.2

      Starting the

      research process

      Many students look forward to their

      independent study or dissertation because it

      gives them an opportunity to delve deeper into

      an area of interest that they have identified.

      Many courses require students to start with

      an introduction to research methods, which

      can sometimes feel like a ‘necessary evil’, as

      something you have to do before you can

      start making progress with your own study.

      Universities have protocols to ensure that

      research is done in a robust way, can stand up

      to scrutiny and is carried out ethically. These

      protocols often include the following:

      • Sessions – either taught or made available

      on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) –

      on the whole research process. These help

      you to understand key theory. You will also

      cover other key aspects such as research

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