The Research Journal. Bassot, Barbara

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The Research Journal - Bassot, Barbara

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at undergraduate level. However,

      if you are doing a Master’s programme and

      you didn’t undertake a research element

      at undergraduate level, you may well find

      this book useful too. Whatever your current

      situation, The Research Journal is designed

      as a practical tool to help you to succeed in

      each aspect of your research project through

      the process of critical reflection. Any first

      piece of independent research is a very big

      and challenging undertaking; this journal will

      help you to see the whole picture (often very

      difficult to visualise in the early stages) and

      the individual parts that make up the whole.

      This means you will be able to manage your

      research project well; no one else will be

      able to do this for you, and it will ensure your

      success. The journal will also help you to reflect

      on your learning and progress throughout your

      research project and will enable you to write a

      dissertation you can be proud of.

      Who this journal is for

      The Research Journal is designed for all students

      who are doing their first piece of independent

      research. This is often a key piece of assessed

      work that needs to be submitted towards the

      end of a programme of study. Because of

      its size and the number of credits it carries, it

      can have a significant impact on your overall

      grade or degree classification. Because of

      this, many students recognise its importance

      and want to do well in it. Independent

      research often gives you the opportunity to

      focus on a subject or topic you are interested

      in and enables you to delve deeper and

      learn more about it. A discussion of your

      dissertation is common at interviews for

      jobs and graduate schemes because of

      the variety of skills you develop during the

      process. Critical reflection lies at the heart of

      a high-quality dissertation and this book’s

      journal format enables you to engage with

      the necessary metaprocesses (thinking about

      thinking) to critically evaluate your growing

      knowledge and understanding. As a result, it

      puts you firmly in charge of your research.

      How to use this book

      The Research Journal is practical in nature and

      is designed as a reflective tool to help you

      engage critically with each aspect of your

      research project and to take control of it. In

      the early stages, you will probably feel very


      enthusiastic about your study and it is good

      to capitalise on this. As time progresses, you

      might begin to feel pressurised by the scale of

      the task, especially as it often comes at a time

      when you have lots of other academic work

      to complete, and maybe final examinations

      to prepare for too. This journal can help you

      to manage the process effectively and will

      help in the inevitable ups and downs of the

      research process.

      You will probably have been given a significant

      length of time for working on your research

      project; this can be comforting, yet deceptive

      at the same time. In the early days it is all too

      easy to think that you have plenty of time,

      and procrastination can quickly set in as you

      sit back and start to put things off. Before you

      know it, weeks have gone by and the deadline

      starts to feel much closer. Then feelings of panic

      can start to surface, which can make people

      feel overwhelmed and even stuck, so making

      progress can sometimes start to get tricky.

      This book has a strong emphasis on planning,

      which helps to prevent a range of negative

      feelings associated with completing a large

      assessed project. You have probably already

      been asked to write essays, as well as other

      types of written work. This book will help you

      to keep up the writing habit and includes

      activities that help you to reflect on what you

      are achieving in this area. It also helps you to

      understand more about yourself and how you

      can manage your project well.

      This is not a book on research methods or on


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