The Blackest Bird. Joel Rose

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The Blackest Bird - Joel  Rose

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undertook the eleven sheets with him, although nothing more was to be found. The only mention proved the one in the Herald.

      “Mark me on this,” Hays told her, putting down the large magnifying glass that more and more enabled him to discern the newspapers’ small typesets, “the other prints will be on the topic soon enough.”

      It was at this point that Balboa arrived. Olga pressed upon him a cup of coffee, for which he thanked her, and drank, unsweetened, straight down.

      As Hays predicted, by late afternoon, making quick note of increased Herald sales, the other public prints, in rapid succession, took up the crime.

      All were full of the death of the segar store girl, many in extra editions with enriched, lurid detail. Particularly, the Sun now advanced Mary had been abducted, raped, and strangled in a display of hideous violence performed by diabolical, unrepentant gangsters. Mentioned as possible culprits were several papist Irish groups including the Dead Rabbits, Kerryonians, Roach Guards, and Plug Uglies.

      Rather than the Irish, the native gangs, the Bowery Butcher Boys and their brethren, were implicated in the Mercury: “no matter how loudly the latter group of rapscallions might deny their culpability in like cases of murder and rape.”

      Other suspects, these mentioned in the Evening Journal, were the Chichesters, Five Pointers, and the Charlton Street Gang, river pirates by profession, and known to own a rowboat.

      “Three hundred and fifty thousand souls live in this city,” opined Walter Whitman, a young reporter recently come to the Brooklyn Eagle from the Argus. “And of these some thirty thousand we might humbly deem as ruffians. Ergo, we as citizens should never knowingly negate the possibility of their participation in crimes of this horrid and sordid nature.”

      Speculation of all sorts raged for ten days.

      The Commercial Advertiser now alleged it was not Mary’s body at all that had been discovered, but the body of some other unfortunate creature. The real Mary, the Advertiser conjectured, was hidden, out of public view. For whatever reason, remained unexplained.

      Thrice during this period High Constable Hays sought out Acting Mayor Elijah Purdy, still sitting stead for unwell Mayor Morris, in vain attempts to elicit the acting mayor’s approval in order to commence his investigation.

      But Purdy declined the first time and the second, and on the third attempt refused to even meet with High Constable Hays.

      Throughout the city, citizens continued to thrill to the story. Newspaper sales soared to previously unrecorded heights. A young woman who had experienced both the freedom and perils of the city, ending up the way Mary Rogers had, enthralled and frightened all. Many young women refused to leave their homes alone on any errand for fear they would be the next victim.

      Hays’ thoughts deferred to the murder and Mary Rogers at the expense of all other constabulary concerns, frustrating his days, which then ended with sleepless nights wherein he found himself worrying about his own daughter. Without the endorsement of the mayor’s office, however, the high constable remained powerless.

      In the Herald of August 9, Bennett reiterated the charge that it had been gangsters who killed Mary Rogers. But this time he pointed his rather bent finger at a band of Negroes.

      That evening the Evening Signal published an account claiming a witness who swore to having seen Mary Rogers on the Sunday morning of her disappearance in Theatre Alley with a gentleman with whom she seemed quite intimate.

      Next morning over breakfast Olga pointed out to Hays an additional report in the New York Mercury wherein Mary was said to have been spotted later that same Sunday after the incident in Theatre Alley at the foot of the Barkley Street pier, boarding the Hoboken ferry with a “dark-complexioned man.”

      Eyewitnesses reportedly thought him a naval or army officer. For some reason again remaining unexplained, the Mercury charged, this military gentleman later choked Mary to death.

      At that point, having little firsthand knowledge, Olga, rather, calling his attention to various leads and information after reading of the events related in the prints, the high constable took it upon himself to steam-ferry to Hoboken to have further word with Dr. Cook.

      As in his own city, in Jersey’s Hudson County no investigation of any consequence had yet to begin, limited, like the high constable, by the recalcitrance of local authorities.

      Hays asked the medical examiner if there was any merit to the New York Mercury’s assertion that Mary had been murdered not by a gang, but by an individual.

      Dr. Cook coughed, said there might be that possibility, the body arranged in such manner to mislead investigators, but he would have to reexamine the remains to ascertain for sure. “This will not happen at present, however, High Constable,” Dr. Cook said. “As you well know, my superiors are locked in a game of wills with your superiors. Both hang on the other, awaiting the other’s lead, and as result nothing is done.”

      In the rising tide of old age, Hays was finding his patience wearing thinner and thinner. “You said Mary was chaste at the time of her death, Doctor. Do you stick to that assertion?”

      Cook blinked. “Again I would have to reexamine the remains.”

      “Why would you allege this if it was not true?” Hays asked.

      Dr. Cook looked away. “To save the young lady’s reputation,” he admitted softly.

      “I see.” This much Hays understood. “May she have been with baby?” he asked gently.

      “There was no indication of any such thing.”

      “But you examined her fully on this point?”

      “I did, and found that there was not the slightest trace of pregnancy.”

      “You are sure of that?” Hays pressed on.

      “Yes, I am sure.”

      Studying Dr. Cook, Hays felt strongly otherwise.

      FINALLY, TWO DAYS LATER, on Wednesday, August 11, more than a week and a half after the first news had reached the public, Hays received word in his Tombs office that a group of well-known and influential citizens, all of whom had known Mary Rogers from standing her position behind the counter at Anderson’s, were to meet at 29 Ann Street, at the home of townsman James Stoneall, to form a Committee of Safety, and to offer monetary reward sufficient to elicit from the public information leading to the arrest once and for all of the murderer or murderers.

      At 7 p.m. Mr. Stoneall called the meeting to order in his parlor and introduced ex-mayor Philip Hone to address those gathered.

      Hone, a very tall, slender man, bowed before beginning. “The youth and beauty of the victim,” he said solemnly. “The idea that such a young and beautiful girl could be seduced and murdered within hailing distance of this our great metropolis. Each, the former and latter, having quickly conspired to produce intense excitement in the minds of we, the city’s most prestigious populace!”

      In conclusion of this thought, the ex-mayor exclaimed: “We must do something! We must.”


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