Red Station. Adrian Magson

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Red Station - Adrian  Magson Harry Tate thrillers

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and congested with vehicles and pedestrians, their surfaces deeply potted and crumbling. It was as if the inhabitants found it safer or even comforting to stick to this tight, worn network of thoroughfares rather than the open spaces. Yet there was something else; and the more he moved around, the more he began to feel that something in the air. He wondered if it had anything to do with the growing numbers of soldiers in the town, and the accompanying aura of threat hovering around them, even when they were not on duty and unarmed. They were everywhere, yet somehow disconnected from the hustle and bustle around them, like onlookers who had no place being there.

      Two days after his first sighting of the Clones, Harry spotted another watcher.

      Coming out of a small fruit store, where he had bought some apples, he saw a man across the street. He was checking his watch as if waiting for a lift.

      It was the watcher from the airport.

      Twenty minutes later, he saw him again. This time he was getting out of a car, which pulled away and sped out of sight.

      Harry ignored him; if he was local security police, he’d have to make sure he did nothing they could pick him up for. But the idea that he might be another MI5 watcher made him feel increasingly edgy.

      Each time he was in the office, Harry checked out the news channels on one of the PCs for news about the shooting in Essex. Paulton had made it clear that the last thing they could afford was for his name to come out. If that happened, it could compromise other ongoing operations. And if the press were able to identify one member of MI5 to the public, others might follow. The chain-reaction, aided by disaffected former officers or whistleblowers, could be devastating.

      Harry soon began to feel he was being observed too closely, and on one of his forays through the town, he mapped out a number of internet cafes. Most were little more than a basement bar with a couple of computers on rickety tables. But they might prove his only alternative link with the outside world. And keeping an eye on the news which might affect him and his future was uppermost in his mind.

      The first time he used one of the internet bars, he took a random route around town, stopping occasionally and doubling back. Twice he saw faces which didn’t seem right, and he concluded that there was more than one man on him. Coming out of a store, he deliberately fumbled with change, and while stooping to pick up a fallen coin, checked his surroundings. Two more faces, although too distant to be sure if they were the Clones he’d seen before.

      The bar he had selected was close by the town’s market. The streets here were jumbled together like a child’s toy-town, and the shops, although drab and unsophisticated, were small and busy. The bar was called ZOLA and located under a shoe mender, accessed by a short flight of stone steps.

      Harry walked in and waved to the barman, then pointed to one of the two vacant computers at the back of the room. The barman nodded and said something in return, by which Harry presumed he was giving him the rate it would cost. When he looked blank, the man pointed to a blackboard over the bar with the minutes and hourly rates, then held up a glass.

      Harry pointed to the nearest beer pump. When the glass was full, he took it and sat down at the computer.

      The shooting was still in the news. As he scrolled down the BBC’s main news page, his spirits sank. He checked the commercial television channels, which told him nothing more, then flicked through the websites of the British nationals. Some of the speculation was wildly off-target, but the guesswork contained a disturbing amount of accurate detail. One report even spoke with relish of an official cover-up, claiming in knowing tones that ‘according to unnamed sources within the police, the name of an unknown security agent who was present at the shooting has been withheld by the Home Office pending internal enquiries.’ The report went on to say that the name of this ‘agent’ would soon be a matter of public record, and that the Home Secretary, who was facing calls to bring in an outside senior police officer to take over, could not delay in replying for much longer.

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